Dippy Kate in hospital

Hi All

have just had a chat with our Kate, she would like you all to know she is back in hospital with fluid around her heart and thats why she hasn’t been posting.

They are not allowing her home and waiting to see if they can drain the fluid. She is also on antibiotcs for a chest infection.

She has no internet access so not too happy with that.

Debbie XX

Sending my love and hope you are home soon.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Kate
really sorry to hear this - hope they sort it out soon and you are feeling better and back home soon …love jaynex

Oh no Kate - how frustrating! I’m sure you will be out soon knowing how determined you are,and I will wait and look forward to some hospital stories, and this time I hope that they will be about the kindness and support you have received.

Take care mate

Sorry to hear this Kate. Hope you can be sorted out quickly and that you receive the csre you deserve. Hope you get internet acess soon so you can keep in touch or better still get home to your own computer.
Love Linda

Hi Kate

Sorry to hear you are back in hospital - hope they get you sorted quickly.

ay xx

Just want to send my love to Katexx

Hi Kate, Sorry to hear you are back in hospital and hope you get sorted and home again quickly. Lesley xx

Hi Kate, really sorry to hear you’re back in hospital. Hope they can sort the fluid out really quickly and allow you home soon. No internet access? That’s not good enough!!
Lesley xx

I don’t know you Kate,but so want to wish you well and hope to see you home soon.Your posts are a wonderful inspiration,you are a lovely plucky lady and add so much to these forums.

I’ve just spoken to Kate. The doctors keep changing their minds about whether to drain the fluid or not…it sounds like ‘wait and see’ so she will probably be in hospital over the weekend.

Dinner was a bit late tonight…otherwise hospital doing better…


Thanks for the updates girls.

Kate will keep them all on their toes…

Hope she is out soon.


Sending you loads of love Kate

Oh Kate- sorry they are keeping you in

thanks for updates


Sending you hugs and best wishes Kate xxxxx


You do not know me - but i often read your postings and just wanted to say how much i admire your courage and common sense attitude. I hope you recover from your setback soon.

Bright x

Hope you are drained and home soon Kate.

Love Jenny

Get well soon Kate. X X X

Sorry to hear you’re back in hospital Kate. We’re missing you on here and hope you’re back with us all soon. Rooting for you. Love Anne xx

Hi Kate

Sorry to hear you’re trapped in hospital without internet access. I hope you’re not in too much discomfort and that you’ll be treated and discharged as soon as poss.

Hope to see you posting again soon.