Good stuff! Hope you are back home and resting and that the infection and fluid are under control.
Take care, as always,
Good stuff! Hope you are back home and resting and that the infection and fluid are under control.
Take care, as always,
Brilliant news Kate! Hope that you are indeed back home and recovering, and that they have sorted the fluid out.
Have just posted on the 20th March London Meet thread hoping that you might still be able to join us. Really hope that is a possibility. Fingers crossed.
Kay xx
Brilliant news - hope the sun shines this weekend…Jaynex
Hope you made it home Kate and have a lovely weekend.
Love Debsxxx
well I’m back home for the weekend to see how it goes and then repeat of the echo on monday. Echo could give no firm time of when they were going to do it so between the oncs and myself decided if I have ‘weekend leave’ then my bed is there for me on monday so I can at least rest comfortably whilst I’m waiting.
The fluid round my heart is now about 2 - 3cms deep and is difficult for them to drain as it has thickened and there are strands and clots in the fluid so would clog the needle if they tried to get it out.They say my heart is coping but with a heart rate of 100 - 130 beats per minute and my blood pressure is on the low side, I ccan’t see how they can say that.
I’ve also developed small pleural effusions which are too small to drain at present but all adding to my need for continuous oxygen. The general lymphangiis has worsened meaning that the alveoli where the oxygen exchange takes place are now rather water clogged. I’ve also got a new tumour at the top of my left lung and the big one surrounding my oesophogus has regrown.
There are also new ones in my soft tissue mid sternum and near my stomach plus my own version of Debbsincornwall’s ‘mental fils’. I’ve got multiple deposits in the perritoneal layer between the bowels - the thin tissue area where the blood vessels are and nodes are.
The original one in my liver has grown a bit but is nt as big when first discovered in 2006 and is only 2.4cm across but a new one has grown of about 2cm in another liver section but the one that worries me is that the bunch of nodes that grew that blocked my common bile duct are now bigger than first discovered.
They hope that all will settle down with the chemo and that the fluid will go away as well so roll on thursday so i can start vineralbine and hopeffully not be oxygen dependent any more.
Will let you know on monday what happens on monday.
i am so tired i just drop off to sleep the moment i sit down so hope that improves.
Hi Kate
So pleased you have got home for a couple of days and here’s hoping the new chemo will help. I bet you are exhausted, poor you, better off in your own bed, then. I am sorry to hear the news about more mets, what a b*mmer, here’s wishing you as comfy as you can be right now
love Louise
Hi Kate,
Glad to hear you’re home. Hope you have a restful weekend. Take care.
Jo, and all the moderating team.
So pleased you are home and feel able to rest. I always read your posts and your blog. I am at the beginning of my bc journey, and although my scans are clear and only half way through chemo - the fear of the disease returning is always there. You show what it is possible to do with extensive secondaries. I cannot even begin to contemplate the pain and frustration that you contend with in combating bc. But you inspire us all to keep going.
Bright x
Hi Kate
As always, you are an absolute inspiration in how you tackle every setback and beat it. Wishing you lots of luck with this new battle. Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Love from
So pleased that you are home again Kate and still managing to sound positive despite your setbacks. I hope you are managing to have a good weekend with the family.
Take care,
Anne xxx
Hi Kate
so glad they let you home for o bit
now take it easy and dont do too much
Text me if you want a chat and I will phone you back
take care and much love to you ‘n’ yours
Hi Kate,
I just wanted to send you lots of love and a big hug.
Take Care
Leslee x
Blimey, Kate - you are a legend! So glad to hear that you’re back at home. Hope you’re enjoying the internet access and are takig it easy. Good luck tomorrow!
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Kate - and hope that the chemo will ease the symptoms that are currently concerning you…We all know how well you have responded to various chemo regimes in the past…so fingers crossed for the next round.
Lots of love
Hallo Kate
Just to say I am thinking of you and holding you in my heart. You so do not deserve all this.
Love you and wish you strength
Had to post Kate and say, I am thinking of you and sending a HUG.
Havent seen you on FB but did ask for a message to be given to you.
Love Rx
Hi Kate
Sorry to here you were back in hospital last week and just to say that I hope today gives you some positive news and you can get your chemo on Thursday.
Take care
Nicky x
Hi Kate
Must be great to be in the comfort of you home surroundings.Hope they are spoiling you and looking afer you well. Sorry to hear of the new mets. LOL Dee
Did I really see that someone wrote in their post to kate those immortal words ‘Kate don’t do too much’ - well Kate the words leopards and spots spring to mind!
I hope you can at least rest a little more, and I hope things go as well as they can.
Take care
I’ve just spoken to Kate who went back into hospital on Monday, then home yesterday and back in today. She’s very poorly right now…fluid round lungs and heart, difficulty swallowing, breathlessness and chest infection. She’s not able to have vinorelbine as she had hoped tomorrow.
As ever, Kate was chatting away…as she does, as she posts.
I’ll keep you updated. I know how much your thoughts mean to Kate.