dippy kate

Kate has asked me to post this on her behalf. She is currently in hospital with a chest infection and pneumonia.She had a CT scan and the results were not good. It showed lots of spread of her mets and new mets. The main worry is her heart. A big bag of fluid was seen round the heart and is squashing it and there is alot of fluid on the lungs.The doctors are waiting to see if the fluid needs draining or gets better itself.Kate said to me to pass this message onto you all as she cannot contact all of you.


d**n and blast this b****y disease.

Kate what can I say? Just keep on keeping on…

Love Jenny

Please pass on good wishes to kate, and hope she improves.It was only a week ago I met her and gave her a lift from the station to the Bristol meet-up.
Marmite x

I don’t understand - why don’t they just drain it? Gutted to hear about the new mets Kate, I’m glad they are treating you better . take care

Sorry to hear this news Kate, a week with this disease and so much can change. Hope they can work out a new treatment plan that will do something to deal with the results on the scan.
Love Debsxxx

Poor Kate
this is not the news that she would have wanted to hear. Lets hope they sort her out soon.I know how awful the fluid can make you feel especially around the heart.
Keep on fighting it Kate
Lots of love ~Caroline

Really sorry to hear of the new developments Kate. Hope they’re going to be able to drain the fluid really quickly and get you home, infection free. Also hope they can come up with a revised treatment plan to get those new mets under control. In the meanwhile just rest and let them get you as well as possible

Take care

Lesley xx

Sorry to hear your news, hope things improve quickly for you.

Take care xxx

Kate has just texted me and says she can go home tomorrow !

Am so sorry to hear this news Kate.I really hope they can sort out the fluid and drain it if necessary and that the chest infection and pneumonia gets better really soon. Am thinking of you and your family and hoping you are back with us on here soon.
Much love,
Anne xx

Didn’t see the last message before I’d posted mine - great news that you’re coming out again tomorrow! Take care, Love Anne x

That’s brilliant news Kate, so pleased for you.

Lesley xx

Great news that you can go home, but have they drained the fluid and has the pneumonia cleared? Don’t let them get rid of you too soon.

Love Debsxxx

Wonderful news Kate…

Have a lovely weekend back where you belong…

Much love

Have just read this from beginning to end - Kate I am glad you are getting out, let us know how you are.


so sorry to hear this ,but really glad your able to come home .lets hope they can get things sorted for you quickly ,take care .lynn x

hi All

Sorry to hear you have been through the wars Kate - but so glad that you are able to go home!

Took a bit of a breather from the site but decided Im going to pop on here and there to keep up with how everyone who took time out to help us is going on .

All the very best Kate xxxxx

Hi Kate

Glad to hear you coming home today. Hope things are much better for you again.

Take care

Hope the sun’s shining where you are Kate and welcome home… *** this disease for a few days.


Dear Kate

You always fight back and win! You are such a star and well done for getting through yet another hurdle! Looking forward to seeing you post again soon.

Big hugs
Ruby xxx