Just read your amazing blog, you have a strength beyond anything I have ever known. My love and thoughts go to you and your family, I am sure you are having loads of hugs and kisses.
I have never posted directly to you before, for fear of intruding. I have read all that you write and have thought what a brilliant woman you are. Where did the name Dippy come from?
This is so trite Kate - but here in Shropshire I am thinking of you and your family. Thank you for being who you are and all that you have given to help so many women.
x x x
as said before - thanks for updating your blog - you sound much stronger now - maybe the hospice will re-charge you - it sounds way more relaxing than the hospital - you take care and i hope to see many more additions to your blog
Again and again your amaze me, just read your blog. I live along way from you and have never had the pleasure of meeting you. Hoping with all my heart that you turn the corner and perk up for a while and get home. Thinking of you all and sending as many positive thoughts as possible.
As the others have said you continue to amaze me. I hope you are feeling more comfortable now and it is a much nicer place when family and friends visit you. Thank you also for your honest blog/s. We’re all rooting for you.
Nicky x
I have just read Kates blog entry and am sitting here in tears, for her and what she is facing and how amazingly composed she seems to be at this point. For what is to come for Kate and how to deal with it, and her unfailing caring attitude to others that threads through her comments. She is truly one in a million and I am deeply saddened that such a person has to face what she does, she doesn’t deserve this.
Kate, I wish you well in the time you have left, I hope you get to say the goodbyes you need to and your final sleep comes as peacefully as it can. However, ‘knowing’ your fighting spirit, I expect you to surprise everyone for as long as possible, ok.
My thoughts are with you and your family right now, and my heart goes out to all the people who have to watch this disease steal a soul of such amazing compassion.
I too have just read Kate’s blog, my heart goes out to you Kate, I truly hope you get to say goodbye to everyone you want to and that you will have someone by yourside to hold your hand and be with you whenever you need it. I pray too that the end will be peaceful but that it won’t be before you are able to feel some peace in yourself about your passing(if thats ever possible).
I don’t know you personally but have always read your posts and wish that I had the chance to meet you. Hoping to see posts from you for a good time to come.
Kate, I have been reading your blog in recent weeks (ever since my itroduction to the forum)and I find your openess and honesty so powerful. Sharing on these forums has been a true support for me, and a lifeline for so many women. Sharing your own experience in such a personal way can only add to that feeling of shared experience and unconditional support … I hope no one ever underestimates just how valuable that is - and how valuable you have been to so many people.