Direct payments

Hi Folks

Thinking ahead to my TRAM op in Jan-I live alone and will need some element of care until I can get ‘back on my feet’ - literally!.
It seems that I’ll have the district nurses until drains out/wound starting to heal, but Im worrying about how I’ll cope for shopping etc.
Has anyone successfully claimed the govt Direct payments for purchasing care under these circumstances. Guidance talks about eligibility for ‘disabled’ but not for temporary disablement.

Hi Cathie,
Sorry I don’t have any actual advice for you other than, have you thought about ringing BCC helpline or Macmillan?
My Mac lady has been brilliant helping me with claiming things, she’s has a wealth of knowledge and I think Mac people are generally regarded as very helpful re benefits / finances etc.
Hope you find some info & guidance, good luck for Jan.

Sandra x

Hi, about 5 years ago I looked at doing direct payments for my Mum. You have to set up a separate bank account for the payments to go into ad you have to set it up as a business with accounts etc for inspection. I found that too much of a bother and decided to go along the social services route and that worked fine.

When I was diagnosed with secondaries a couple of months ago I asked my MacMillan nurse to arrange for social services to come and do me an assessment. It took them so long I was better by the time they came but I now have social services direct number should I need to take up their services plus the Macmillan also provide their own help. The Macmillan came out to me much sooner. At the moment I am managing reasonably well with a lot of help from my friend but I think while you are coping well its easier to get things organised so when you do need their help your not waiting months for an assessment.

If you have good contact with your district nurses they can get an assessment referral for you too, and of course theirs always your gp, but |I stick with my Macmillan nurse for everything she is so knowledgeable on everything.

Best of luck Ann B