Disagreeing drs

Feeling perplexed since my initial appointment at the breast clinic today and it’s playing on my mind. It seems a lot of people come away with quite a clear message of cancer vs not cancer although I know the wait is hard for everyone!

Ultrasound of a suspected cyst quickly confirmed no cysts and radiologist instead mentioned fibroadenoma and took a biopsy. She was thorough and measured a few lumps, and took a good look at my armpit, but said nothing else to me.

Later the consultant told me he still thought it felt benign, but that the radiologist was concerned by the shape so he couldn’t offer me any reassurance. Is it normal for them to disagree, and tell me so openly that they disagree? I’m inclined to believe the radiologists interpretation of the scan, over a consultant’s quick physical exam. Has anyone experienced similar? I wish I could read their notes, or that they’d both been present during the discussion. How do people cope waiting 2 whole weeks?!



I don’t have experience of a situation with the experts disagreeing over diagnosis - for me it’s been several different specialists sharing info with my consultant who has then given me a picture of what’s happening based on all the information. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry you are in this situation and I hope you get the answers and a plan put in place to sort it it soon. Don’t be afraid to tell them how you are feeling regarding the mixed messages as I’m sure they will reassure you. Take care of yourself.


I sort of had similar. Both GP and Surgeon thought it was innocent, but radiographer felt different. Biopsy confirmed cancer. I don’t think it is that unusual to have a difference of opinion, which is why further investigations take place. Hang in there, hoping it is good news for you.

The Dr has an indication based on certain criteria I.e is it a hard lump, is it moveable. Whereas the radiographers have a visual representation. There are probably some cysts, lumps and bumps which they can clearly define and eliminate as cancer. But it’s my understanding that there can be very close similarities between benign and malignant, and neither can know for sure until the biopsy result is received. Which unfortunately means a 2 to 3 week wait for the result - which is very hard and stressful.

They have excellent treatment plans and it’s truly amazing how well people recover from surgery if it needs to be removed. I’m near the end of my active treatment, I won’t lie, there have been plenty of ups and downs, but light is at the end of the tunnel.

Wishing you well x


Sort of… I had another ‘area of concern’ which came up on MRI and was biopsied (I had already had a tumour confirmed as cancer). Results of this came back clear. When my case went to MDT there was disagreement about this which postponed surgery for the second time. My scans and results were sent to an expert for review who confirmed they were satisfied with the biopsy and that it was benign. It was awful waiting weeks for this to all happen but now, on reflection, I’m glad there was this disagreement and discussion as it meant I was being considered thoroughly and ultimately had the best surgery and outcomes for me as an individual.

Good luck with everything. x


@filibuster64 Welcome to the forum and sorry you have had such an experience. I can understand it is frustrating and as already said they have different roles in the process. After finding my lump and MRI found something of concern in my other breast which the radiographer had said it was probably an intramammory gland but I then had a ultrasound guided biopsy and wait for results which confirmed it was another primary cancer.

The main thing that can say whether it is cancer or benign is the biopsy and when you have your results, whatever they are, you will feel better. The waiting for results is always the worst. Sometimes the medical professionals will not say one way or another until the biopsy results come in.

I know it’s hard but try not to worry about them disagreeing. Take care. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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