Hi All,
Feeling very lost and worried and feel I am now in no man’s land trying to get answers due to what happened at my breast screening appointment.
I went to my doctors 4 weeks ago now regarding a change to my breast and what felt like a lump with extreme pain which was not improving or going away.
I was then referred to breast clinic where I had my appointment on Monday where the letter said I would be there for 3 hours however was in and out in 10 minutes with a leaflets on how to deal with breast pain and how to check breasts as there was no radiologists in for ultrasound.
I detailed I had the following conditions
- Swollen breasts
- Lumps and tenderness now on both breast started on right (pain now from 6 - 12 o’clock) and now lump and shooting pain on left breast
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Pain constantly (below and all around chest)
- Heavy arm
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Not sleeping well
- Stretch marks
- Nausea
- Motion sickness
- Pain lying or touching them
- Loss of strength
And changes have been increasingly worse as weeks go on to the point I have now been signed off of my work as it is affecting me doing day to day things.
I have phoned up to chase up my appointment as felt nurses where not listening to anything I was saying and was just in a rush to get me out of the room. I phoned radiologist today and got told breast clinic put me on routine appointment which is not going to be for another 4 weeks. They are trying to push this through due to now signing me off work.
I am only 29 years old and I am struggling now to do daily tasks and take care of my family due to the above and felt so down that I felt disregarded at breast clinic especially saying at my age nothing to worry about.
Is there any support on what next steps I should get to get my lumps and lymph nodes tested to see what is going on ?
I am sadly at stage I will happily pay for private screening to find out what is going on with my body as I can’t wait another 8 weeks when I know how quickly conditions are changing.
Sorry I am just at loss of what to do and it is really taking its toll on me