I have a history of cysts on the right and a fibroadenoma in the left breast which was biopsied in 2005.
Recently my right breast felt cysty again so I saw the GP to ask to be referred for yet another aspiration to make me feel more comfortable.
I went to the breast clinic and had the cluster of cysts drained on the right but the ultrasound also showed a distortion in the left breast. They took 4 biopsies and put a clip in then I had another mammogram. I get the biopsy results in 2 weeks. I saw the consultant again very briefly at the end of my visit but it felt a little rushed and I didn’t ask all the questions that are now cropping up in my mind.
The consultant said that the distortion could be a result of the biopsy on the fibroadenoma in 2005. I said that it wasn’t really in the same area and he said that things can move over the years but what I’m wondering now is if the distortion IS caused by this biopsy, why wasn’t it seen on the many many mammograms and ultrasounds that I’ve had over the last 19 years? How long after a biopsy does a distortion take to form? My last mammogram was in 2022 and it wasn’t there then. I know it could be scarring from cysts but I’ve only ever had them drained on the right side, never the left.
Basically I’m having a mini panic thinking of all the benign things it could be and ruling them all out. I know that I don’t know anything yet and I need to distract myself as there’s nothing I can do at this point but I just get the feeling that the consultant (and the ultrasound technician actually) think it is probably malignant. I’m just reading between the (verbal) lines of what they said e.g. make sure we have the correct phone number for you in case we need to call you before your appointment, advising me to come off my HRT (I’m 59), and the number of samples they took etc and I can’t stop thinking about it.
Any information you can give me or opinions that you can form from all your experience would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance