Diverticular disease

Hi lovelies;
just had an mri scan for a gynae issue (lovely tamoxifen has grown a polyp for me but asymptomatic) review in 3 months with mri. However the scan showed an incidental finding of severe diverticular disease in my sigmoid colon… I mean!
wondering if anyone else has had this - im slim, exercise, eat fibre and don’t smoke and apart from breast cancer I think im fairly fit (im 61 post menopause) so unsure about this diverticular disease and don’t like the word severe! never had any symptoms or issues - Docs don’t seem in the least bit concerned???

anyone else had it?

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I ended up in hospital during chemo with abdominal pain and high infection markers, which was diagnosed as diverticulitis. A subsequent CT scan confirmed the same. Like you I had no idea I had diverticular disease until that event. It hasn’t caused me any subsequent problems. I think it’s common in over 60s and often isn’t noticed.


I agree and great to hear you haven’t had any further flares xx

Hi @joyousjen I also have divertiulosi in my sigmoid colon - found on pelvic mri ordered by gynaecologist to investigate state of fibroids after 12 months on Letrozole. Was devastated to find I also now have cyst on ovary and endometriosis aged 67. Like you the diverticulosi were an unwelcome additional surprise on top of everything else. This is the downside of mris often revealing things we would never otherwise know about! I stopped the letrozole.


I totally agree about the scans tulip, I would have been better not knowing! But I guess if I ever get awful pain there I know what it is. I’m so sorry about the gynae issues it’s usually tamoxifen that is the culprit for them ( was in my case) I am having a break from tamoxifen then changing to letrozole and can’t say I’m looking forward to it at all but feel I need to give it a bash . Lots of love x

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I too have diverticular disease. Learned I had it following a CT scan after GP sent me to A&E as I was rather unwell.
Was informed by the surgeon that it is very common and affects 80% of women of my age and over (I’m 55).