HI ALL without prying too much can i ask if you get dla through special rule ?the reason i ask is that after much convincing and a year after dx and ongoing treatment for trip neg bc, i was awarded the grand sum of £19.55 a week since that award i have been dx with bone involvment and dla said to ask for the special rules form and my gp will do that , i understand the 6 month prognosis of the form and hate to think that is where i am at !!! has anyone used this form ds1500 and still survived well after the 6 months i am sorry to waffle on , but still feel guilty for applying for it .dont know why ? hugs to all xxx

Hey fairyqueen
Don’t feel guilty - it those people who claim benefits for bad backs and are out laying their patio’s that should feel bad. Have you tried ringing Macmillan- they are fantastic and really help with all forms etc and what they feel benefits you will get. They helped me fill the DLA form accurately and have a lot of experience.
Hope this helps and good luck
Ginge xx


I was awarded DLA under special rules two and a half years ago. I am still going. I will be reviewed at the 3 year point. Being awarded DLA under special rules is not the same as a prognosis, i.e. it does not mean that a person will die within six months however due to the diagnosis it is a possibility.

Hope this makes sense.


thankyou both for replying and alex that is great u keep going hugs xxx

Hi fairyqueen,

I would not be too concerned about the ‘6mths’ prognosis. As Alex says it doesn’t mean you are going to die but we have all heard tales of some dx with bone mets then a few months on it has spread to other organs. The truth is none of us knows what our prognosis will be. I started claiming DLA under Special Rules in April 2006. It was reviewed earlier this year (for the first time!) and I was granted the full amount again for both the care element and the mobility element. Had I known about dla before that I would have been claiming from 2002 when I was first diagnosed. At the time of my first claim in 2006 I only requested the care element as I did not feel my mobility justified the other part. But in 2008 things were getting worse so I wrote to them requesting the mobility element explaining that although the social welfare officer at the marsden had said I should claim it in 2006 and had chosen not to. I was staggered when I found they had backdated my claim to the original claim i.e. I got 2 years backdated.

It does seem now that it is not a foregone conclusion that the oncs, gps, or macmillan nurses will agree to sign the DS1500, nor that it will be renewed when the DWP review the claim after 3 years. Tough times we are living in!


thanks dawn, you are inspiring am glad you atill get what you are entitled to you deserve to as do all ladies who are in our position hugs xxx
