Hi Dawn,
I have not seen you on here for a while…
I hope you are ok.
Please let me know that you are alright - worried.
Hope you have little side effects.
You have my number.
Cyber hugs
Hi Dawn,
I have not seen you on here for a while…
I hope you are ok.
Please let me know that you are alright - worried.
Hope you have little side effects.
You have my number.
Cyber hugs
Hi Dawn
Hope you are ok.
Hope baby Jack is looking after you!
Hi Mel
Funny that, just sent you a message on your other post. Am fine thanks. Been out and about today with the muppets at a play thing and Jack sleeping now, but gonna get him up otherwise will be a pain later. They are both doing wonders for me, as keep me sane and know that there is so much to fight for.
Been out over the weekend in my wig - everyone says it looks lovely and some even have the cheek to say looks better than my hair did. Especially as no roots! Can you believe that. I am still quite self conscious about it, and more worried about Jack tugging it off, but so far so good. Still wearing my little hats indoors, hubby says shouldn’t worry and sit with bald head, but not ready for that yet. Unlike you, you are being so strong about it. You must be beautiful. Maybe thats my worry, cos not an oil painting, although not a pig either … LOL, well don’t think so. LOLLOL!!!
Trying to catch up on here too, as been out and about all day, and my mobile keeps bipping too. Sophie out with Daddy and now must go and get Jack. Then its the mad house, teatime, bathtime and bed time!!! Joys. Can’t wait for 7.30pm when it is nice and quiet and peaceful (well depends on how long we fight with Sophie for).
Hope you are well and having lots of fun. Your two must be back at school? Alas, Sophie not going til 17th, as starting new preschool, part of junior school. Must be pretty quiet in your house.
ANyway, will catch up with you later
Take care
Hi Dawn,
Glad to hear your doing ok with the wig and you are starting to feel a bit better now its done.
Best Wishes
Hi Dawn, Lynne Mel
Took the plunge yesterday, hair has gone!!! It feels OK, not keen on looking in mirrors though!!
Thanks for your support
Kim x
Hi Girls,
I have a strange feeling come next week thats were I will be too. Mine is shedding really bad now and stupidly I have a big meeting today and had a blonde moment(even though im dark haired…lol) and wore a bloody white shirt this morning so I just hope when i go into this meeting no hair falls on my collar as they wont half get a fright wont they!!LOL
Have you shaved yours bald or very close? Im glad your feeling ok about it, i just know I will be in a mess.
Your all so brave!
Love Lynne.x
Hi Lynne
Good luck with your meeting, it makes you scared about moving your head or touching your hair or anything. Mine started shedding last wed sitting on a very windy Lundy Island with my 12 yr old and OH, the wind was whipping away my hair!!!
I had a number 3 around the sides and cut very short on top approx 1/2 ", I am trying the brushovers to cover the bald spots but think by tomorrow will all be gone on top!!!
Good luck Lynne.
Kim x