Do emloyers have to keep you job open


Hi all, just wondering if anyone can clafity if an employer has to keep you post open for you or is they can dismiss you?

Many thanks


Hi Wendy,

I had problems a while back and contacted who were absolutely superb! Take a look at the website and give them a call, they are very friendly and will guide you in the right direction.
I used the downloads on the website to print out and give to my employers, and there are sections helping with the writing of leters etc.,

Good luck!


They would be on very dodgy ground to summarily dismiss you. You are protected under the Disability Discrimination Act which means that employers have to make reasonable adjustments for your condition.

It doesn’t mean that ultimately they couldn’t terminate your employment but they would have to go through an extended and difficult process taking into consideration medical reports (that you have to agree to have released) and make a balanced decision. I would say that this process would take longer than your likely absence during treatment.

Unfortunately some smaller employers may find having an employee away tricky in terms of managing their business and may just decide to dismiss and hang the riskes. If they did that, you would have a case for unfair dismissal in an Employment Tribunal.

Do you have any inkling on what your employers are thinking. What kind of business is it. I would be happy to try to give you guidance as my job in in HR

Sharon x

Hi Jossie and Sharon

Many thanks for your replies. I will look at the site you suggested Jossie.

Sharon, my employer is a GP practice, they have been very supportive and I dont think for a minute they will go down this road, I just wanted to know my rights as everyone ssem to have a diffferent take on what employers can and can’t do. Thank your for you advice and will take you up on your offer of advice. They are learning as they go along as they have already payed SSP for to long, so now trying to work out how to move on to ICB.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated

Wendy x

Hi Wendy

Just shout if I can help again

Sharon x