Im alittle confused with the signs and symptons of breast cancer.
My left breast is larger than my right breast, my right breast has an inverted nipple and i sometimes have a creamy white discharge (ive noticed when im washing).I dont appear to feel any hard lumps underneath the skin.
I know compared to some of the signs other women have added mine may seem abit much…but im so scared of getting cancer and have never been sure.
I have no experience of inverted nipple and creamy discharge, but to ease your mind probably best for a trip to the doctors to check it out. It is scary and we’ve all been there, but it’s also a scary place to be worrying about it too.
Keep us posted, don’t google, book your appointment!
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good support. As pinkrose has suggested it is best to go and get this checked out with your GP.
If you need to talk to someone before you can get an appointment with your GP then please feel free to phone the helpline here, the staff are here to support you. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 lines are open now, until 5pm today (M-F 9-5 & Sat 9-2)