I had a rash on my left nipple and the area around my nipple that began in the December of 2010 at first I just thought it was dry skin and let it be and thought it would heal… But it didn’t it began leaving discharge and began bleeding. I went to see my Dr and she said it was eczema of the nipple… She prescribed me Nystaform. It did heal my nipple but then the rash came back along with the discharge and bleeding I tried the Nystaform again and didn’t help much. Over the past few months my left breast has grown in size, it is considerably bigger than the right breast it is also very itchy, very painful and there are bruise like marks on my breast and the skin above the nipple has gone weird and the skin below the nipple has gone a lot darker. I went to see my Dr, she just took a 5 second look, didn’t examine my breast and prescribed me Mometasone Ointment. She told me to come back if it hasn’t made any difference in a week and isn’t better. Should I be worried or is this normal???
No idea, but if it was me I’d be demanding to be referred somewhere at once, or at least ask for another doctor to get a second opinion.
Hi Strawberry,
I’m obviously not qualified to answer your questions but why don’t you try giving the help line a ring? They are really good and will be able to help you… no question is too silly, no issue that will freak them out.
You could, I think, ask you GP to refer you to a breast specialist if you are concerned. You may have to be a bit assertive though, especially if you are young.
Hopefully it is just eczema related, but of course you will want to be sure, so do try to get the checks and reassurance you need.
yes theres two things that need doing here. First and most important you need re-assurance. so tomorrow I would ring the help-line and go over your symptoms with them. The are very knowledgable, probably more than your GP because they are nurses who answer questions about breast cancer every day, rather than your doctor who knows a bit about everything but not everything in depth.
then based on what they tell you you need either to go back to the GP straight away or if you prefer leave it a week and if his new medicine has not helped go back armed with the information from the help line and demand a referal to a breast clinic. MInd you the helpline might very well say that it sounds like something that should be treated by the GP.
I do hope the medication does work. and that you are back here in a few days saying you dont need to take it any further. But if you do need to visit the clinic do remember that so many breast changes, nipple discharges etc are not cancer.
I so hope the 89 is not your birth year! BUT if it is you need to assert yourself (take someone of v strong character with you if you cannot do this) you need to be seen by a specialist! I am not saying this because of your symptoms but because you are already doubting the GP - will you rest easy until this checked by a specialist - my guess is no! We are all on this breast cancer journey - we all understand your worry- and the fact that you are even on here tells me how worried you are! I’m 35 and was told i’m ‘too young but we’ll send you anyway’ so you may need to be firm to get referral, or see different GP (?female?). My thoughts are with you and all the advice everyone has already put on is fab (9 out of 10) but at the moment your emotional health is all over the show? ???
See the proper docs and then I hope you get to relax and forget your worries xxxxx
Unfortunately my birth year is 89 that is why I didn’t really pay attention to it and thought it cant be that… But my friend who is training to be a Dr told me it sounded like Pagets Disease which got me worried that is when I initially went to see my GP and she said t was just eczema. Over the past few weeks it has been very painful (I couldn’t sleep one night) and it feels a lot harder than the other breast… I just don’t understand why my GP hasn’t checked it properly but just looked well just a glance! I’m going to try this new prescription and then go back to her. The only reason why I am worried is because my GP said I should wear cotton bra’s surely if it’s because I am allergic to a certain material it would be both breasts and not just one and even when I am wearing a cotton bra it doesn’t really help much.
Thank you for all your kind words x