Do I smell?

It’s hotting up out there today and I stink already! Am I being paranoid? I’ve had a shower this morning and used anti this and that deodrant on my good arm pit. Nothing on the other as it’s only been three days since my sentitel biopsy and WLE. Any suggestions to get me feeling and smelling fresher. Can I use baby talc? Using some expensive perfume on my neck to disguise it but useless, I smell!!!

Hi mummyv

Snap!! I also smell.
I went to the hospital the other day thinking I was getting all dressings off, but they only took the dressings and left all the steristrips on wounds for another 2 weeks. Phoarrrrrrr!!!
Same as you good arm can wash and put deodrant on, but other arm smells a bit like bad BO, I keep putting nice smelling body lotion around the wound and down my arm to try and disguise smell, but wouldn’t want to ruin healing process by getting wound wet etc… so just have to perceivere.
I’m sure your loved ones won’t mind you smelling for a bit longer!!!

Don’t worry about it, its just one of those things, it wont be for long and then you can really pamper yourself and have a lovely soak in a nice bubble bath.


you could try regularly using baby fragrance free wet wipes to freshen up your armpit- soon drys this weather and you can pat dry or use hair drier on cool setting!
mandarin x


Mummyv I was told definitely NOT to use any sort of talc when I had my WLE and ANC - or in fact to use anything except for clean water around the two scars.

Take care
Love Anthi

Hi all you smellies out there (no offence) when I was having radiotherapy, I was advised by radiographer to use a product called PIT ROK crystal deodorant.

You just wet the cystal with water and apply to underarms or feet. It contains pure natural mineral salts and it works!! does not clog pores, and is odourless.
You can buy it from health food shops or most probably on-line.

Hope this helps and it lasts forever.


Hi there

I have some Pit Rok spray which smells really nice. I do find I need to re-apply every couple of hours though, so I carry it around but it’s a light, plastic spray bottle.

I also heard about Rodial deodorant (which Kylie uses apparently if that interests anyone!) but it’s £19 to buy. Need Kylie’s money to afford that one.

Cecelia. x

Superdrug have all their Pit Rock products on special at the mo. Looked at the spray today, sticking to biosen with some impulse body spray on my clothes to cover stink!! Staying in front of the fan so I dont smell it. Anyone know how long I have to keep dressings on etc. I have an appointment to see practice nurse on Monday to have dressing changed but then not seeing anyone until my results on the 23 August. Do the steri strips just fall off eventually?
love Vanessa xx

Hi all, hope everyone’s ok today.

Just to answer your question Mummyv some of my steri strips starting peeling off after about 2 weeks so I just took them off, the breast nurse said it was ok to do that. The rest stayed on for longer though, I was a wee bit worried about taking them all off an once because I was a bit nervous about seeing the extent of my scar in the flesh so to speak (mastectomy and all nodes out) so I took off one or two a day. He he! needn’t have worried in the end, the scar looked fine!

Take care


Hi Carole

My steri strips have come off already under my arm. Had my op last Wednesday. Plaster on top was rubbish, nurse told me it was waterproof but I suspose the underarm skin is quite bendy and supple. Looks very neat. Sad but looking forward to seeing my ‘booby’ scar this afternoon as I see the nurse. Havent been out the house since returning on Thursday! I’ve become a couch potato very easily!!!

love Vanessa

Hi All

I used Simple deodorant and wet wipes during my treatment to help me stay fresh especially during rads.
