Do not like new site

I have waited a couple of weeks to see if I could get used to the ‘new look’ site. I know folk always moan when there is change but it is not easy to use. It is not clear and I struggle to see some of the writing under the headings. I seem to be reading the same posts over and over why is that. I am afraid it is not user friendly and I don’t use it as much. sorry to moan Love to all Eileen

It gets easier the more you use it!

Thanks for replies. Sam going away next week but will send number for the week after cheers Eileen

I find the time links so very difficult to read - could you make them nore legible please?
Thank you, Liz.

I’m with you Eileen.
I’m not using the site anywhere near as much as I used to.
Here’s hoping it grows on us…

Me too, why has it changed ? If it aint broke dont fix it.

im not to keen on the new site as it dosnt tell you peoples profiles ,dates and how many have replied to your messages etc, ill get used to it but i prefer the old one…

Did not see this thread so posted my own saying similar thing, so it goes to show how difficult it is to find things and see what is new. I don’t even know where my thread is now.

Happy hunting girls.


Whoever designed this revised site clearly does not have problems with their eyes. Grey lettering on pale tints is about as idiotic as you can get. It is no longer possible to see when a posting was first made, how many have responded and when the last post was received. I would rather have the date and time of the postings that the number of hours since the last one.

Strong colour and clear outlines are needed. I have complained several times. The size of the type is still wrong. And as for losing the profiles - I am speechless about that. BCC are running this exercise about the site, but I am still not convinced that all the problems will be resolved.

My OH is a self employed web designer/developer and he doesn’t like this site. It doesn’t open up properly in different browsers, never mind the colouring.

I also think the old site was was much better.

I can hardly read the grey stuff - whoever had that idea should be sacked!
Bring back the old site - much easier to use - this one is terrible

Just posted somewhere else - who knows where now with this ridiculous site - on the lack of profiles. So difficult to respond to a poster, when you don’t have their background details, and it does seem intrusive to ask questions of them.