Do they only phone you with good results?

My consultant asked if it would be ok if they phone me with my core biopsy results and I said yes (figured it was the fastest way to find out) but I’m wondering if they only ever phone you with good news? I have an appointment booked as well. Only had the biopsy done last Thursday and appointment is this Friday. To say I’m stressing is an understatement. I can’t imagine they’d give bad news by phone?

Hi Vicki1008, 

I am sorry to hear you are going through this anxious time waiting for your results. I am sure some of our users will be along soon to share their experiences and offer some support.

In the meantime do call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about waiting for your biopsy results and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


No Vicki,they will ask you to go in to discuss results ,but the phone call asking you to go in kind of gives it away !They usually make telephone appointments if they think there is a good chance things are ok.Good luck .Jill.

Hi Vicky, I was told over the phone but mainly because they were confident I was going to get benign results so didn’t make me an appointment to go back, they were very upset to have to tell me I did have Cancer over the phone , they did tell me on the day of my biopsy that if they strongly suspected they were going to find anything then I would be given an appointment to come back for results so it could be an indication that they think all will be well but of course it doesn’t always go to plan, this is the absolute worst time waiting on results and all of us here know what your going through, try and keep yourself busy although I know you will only be going through the motions as your mind will be elsewhere but it helps the days pass about quicker , the very best of luck and please let us know how you get on Xx Jo