Hi everyone, I’ve never posted before but have been a constant browser since diagnosed last June and feel I know some of you ! Was just thinking about before cancer …and thought these may ring true with you all -
Do you remember when –
- You thought cancer was something that other people got
- You didn’t know there was different types of breast cancer
- You had no idea what an ‘oncologist’ studied
- You’d never even heard of tamoxifen
- You’d only heard ‘herceptin’ mentioned on the news
- You thought there was one type of chemotherapy !
- You thought you’d live forever !
- You didn’t break down in tears when looking at your children wondering whether you’ll be at their wedding
- Your friends didn’t annoy you making ‘mountains out of mole hills’
- People didn’t say to you – be positive
- When you heard ‘you might get run over by a bus tomorrow’ it didn’t grate on your nerves
- No one commented on you looking well, even though you don’t !
- You thought that once all the treatment was over you could put it behind you and never think about it again !
- The nurses in the hospital know you by sight !
- Nausea was something you got after a ‘good night out’ on the town
- When you got a pain anywhere you didn’t automatically think of the worst !
- A bad hair day was getting caught in a rain shower on the way to work and having kink’s in your hair all day or worse your GHD’s were on the blink !