Hi all, my oncologist told me to get my tamoxifen and start taking now, thats before rads, rads starting prop 7th July, mixed messages about tamoxifen some people seem to take and some stop when on rads, Going to speak to breast care nurse tomorrow but would like your views before hand please.
Thanks,Dawn x
Hi Dawn
I am in the middle of rads at the moment and taking tamoxifen. I have been taking the tabs for the last three weeks and have been on rads for just over a week.
At the end of the day, the onc should know best I suppose.
Hi Green Pea,
Thanks for that info, I totally trust onc its just two friends were told by their oncologists to stop Tamoxifen ready for rads and start again afterwards. I have only taken for a week all ok at momant, have you had any side effects. When were you diagnosed, Are you near the end of your treatment or have you got anything else to follow.
Take care
Dawn X,
Hi greenpea I am due to start Tam this week and in the early stage of Rad treatment . Let me know how you are getting on love Bobbie (scared stiff)
Hi there. My onc is starting me on the tamoxifen (or arimidex) after I finish radotherapy. He said that “theoretically” it might slightly reduce the effectiveness of the radiotherapy. But I wouldn’t let that put you off, from all the threads I have read most people start the hormone therapy before the rads, and keep on it. I’m down under and things might be topsy turvey here! Good luck. Sarah x
I was started on Tam mid Feb and had 6+ weeks of rads from mid March to end of April. They held off giving me tam until they made a decision about chemo (was told if I was to get chemo the tam would be started after that) but they never mentioned not taking tam whilst getting rads.
As for side -effects I was a bit on the warm side for a few weeks after starting the tam and I had a couple of full blown hot flushes at nights but that seems to have settled down now. I do suffer from a horrendous itch in the nether regions and my GP is trying to find a solution to that. Other than that I’m doing ok with the medication.
Hi there
I started Tamoxifen at the same time I started rads.
Best of luck
I started tam 2wks ago and not due to start rads until next week. Onc today said nothing about stopping it. Will check with BCN tomorrow.
Thanks everyone,
I will ask next time I see onc but sure it all ok, just different oncs seem to do different things and have different ideas
Take care all
Dawn x
Hi Dawn
Sorry for the delay in answering - just sheer bloody laziness!
I was diagnosed last Oct. Had wle and full axillary clearance 5/19 nodes affected, 6 doses of TAC, have had 6 of 24 rads and tamox for 5 years!
Wow that sounds a lot!
I’m having acupuncture treatment for night sweats (I feel they’re more than hot flushes but I am a bit of a wimp). It does seem to be working as they are abaiting a bit.
As for the rads, only have a few twinges in boob but do feel fatigued.
Bobbi, don’t be afraid, it’s not that bad really. And it’s only for a short time.
Take care all of you.
Greenpea xx
Hi Greenpea,
Thanks for replying and letting me know how it is working out for you.
I know its scary when you write it all down like that isnt it, when we began we usually just thought of one step at a time. I was diagnosed in July and should finish rads mid August I hope, bit of a long journey.
I have only been taking tamoxifen for a week and have had no side effects yet, a friend of mine felt well sick for a few weeks, I have not had a period since Aug when I started chemo, and I had a few hot flushes and night sweats then, but they seem to have settled down now. maybe cos period stopped before, side effects may not be so bad from temoxifen. I dont know , prob me just wishful thinking.
I had acupuncture during my chemo for sickness and nausea and i did not have any and I did not take any anti sickness tabs either. so I would def have some more if I get hot sweats etc in the future.
I was so reluctant to take first tablet, I knew I had to but it was like as soon as I start I have to take for so long( 5 years like you), although some people seem to swap after 2 or 3 for other drugs, I will have to see.
Good luck with rest of rads
Take care
Dawn xx
Hi Dawn
I saw my Onc last Friday and she wrote me a prescription for Tamoxifen but she said no rush in starting them. I too start my rads on the 7th of July so you have me wondering too now. Maybe give the bcn a ring later - got a cold at the mo and feel like poo think it must be cos I’ve just finished chemo so system not up and running properly yet.
Hi Karen,
I spoke to my breast nurse about it and she said def ok to take Tamoxifen they have always given it when people are on rads. They dont like to give you it when you are on chemo and having ops because there is bit more of a risk to getting a DVT after an operation.
I finished my chemo 4 EC and 4 Taxotere in Feb then had 3 ops!! so the chemo seems to be mostly cleared from my system now, although some people say it takes ages to be completely clear.
I feel like much more like myself now, brain seems clearer, nearly back to normal well as normal as I was before,!!! I just got aches in my arms and legs which is apparently normal with Tax and takes a while to go. My hair is growing back , very different colour, very grey, but at least its hair.
How did you get on with chemo, how are you feeling about next stage?
Hope your cold clears and you feel better soon
Take care
Dawn X
Hi Dawn
Thanks for the info, chemo was ok glad its finished, ready to get onto rads and start next stage hate hanging around. too impationent me thinks.
Hi all,
My onc has told me to start taking Tamoxifen at the end of radiotherapy…I suppose it’s the usual story …everyone is different etc?