Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide anyone?

Hello, Has anyone had docetaxel and cyclophosphamide as chemo treatment? I will be having 4 cycles and would like to know if anyone else has has this drug combination and what side effects they experienced. My huge concern of all the side effects are the possibility of permanent infertility.I am already 36 and so after all my treatment and Tamoxifen for 2 years I will be 39 before i can start to try for a family. I am planning to have a cycle of IVF before my chemo starts and would love to hear any success stories with regards to anyone having children after chemotherapy. Thanks, Suzy

Hi Sbrill ,

I think docetaxel is the same as taxotere…which i will be having after 4 lots of cyclowhatisname and something called myocet combined. I had first one a couple of weeks ago ( nearly) and had a pretty mixed 10 days or so. Most of my probs where because of the granocite injections which gave me really bad shooting pains down my spine.Anyway after lots of rest…got through it ready for round 2 next Friday. Sorry I cant help you with the fertility stuff ( old bird of 43 …they dont even think we might be childbearing at our age…so dont even bother asking us). I’m sure someone will know more… If anyone knows any more about any of these chemo drugs…more info would be great.My onc said he was selecting this combo because is was gentle on the heart compared to FEC?? Anyone got a clue why they choose what they choose??

lots of love
