Docetaxel v EC

Please share your experiences of EC and docetaxel. Which was easier, worse for side effects?

I’m on 2nd of 3 EC cycles, then onto docetaxel. For some reason I’m scared of docetaxel.

Thank you

Just replying to bump it up.

I found docetaxel easier side effect wise and my hair started growing back, which was a nice surprise. The only thing I would say is don’t take any laxido on your first round. If you think you’re constipated, just wait and eat more fibre/drink more water and see if it gets better before reaching for the laxatives.


Hi @bluesatsuma I had exactly what you’re going to have. On Monday I will be having my 3rd Docetaxel.

Personally I have found the Docetaxel physically easier then the EC. With EC I had quite a lot of tummy problems, dizziness, lightheadedness and slight nausea. I found all bit the lightheadedness improved as the treatments went on. With the Docetaxel- no nausea or lightheadedness, very little tummy problems- hurrah. The main side effects have been aching joints for a few days as if you’ve had a gym session, not that I ever go :joy: - I took Paracetamol or ibuprofen. - horrible tasting, furry tongue and loss of taste - savoury food tasted metallic, cardboardy or off!! I needed to eat things with a stronger taste, eg chutney in a sandwich etc. I found sweet things taste near normal - hurrah! I wondered if I had oral thrush and was going to go to the pharmacist when i got up on the morning of the 10th day and it was all totally back to normal - mouth normal, taste back, so it’s unpleasant but short lived!

The other thing I have had is peripheral neuropathy in my feet. Tingling and cramp like pains in the toes mostly. I’m at greater risk as I’m diabetic so I found this quite frightening. I had bouts of a couple of hours in the evening. I discussed it worth the Oncologist and they were happy for me to have the full dosage for the second treatment. It has lasted a bit longer this time but as worth the first time it went by about the 10th day.

I have felt much tireder and each treatment i don’t quite get back to ‘normal’. I don’t think that is the Docetaxel though, I think it’s the cumulative effect of 5 chemotherapies.

So overall i have found the Docetaxel ‘easier’ then the EC. It’s not a walk in the park, and not how I’d chose to spend my time, but there we go.


Thank you @kartoffel. That is reassuring. Hope I find it similar. I will follow your advice about the constipation. Hope you are well now x

Thank you @pat. Lots of helpful advice there. I’m reassured that you found it easier than EC. The neuropathy worries me but not everyone gets it…maybe I’ll be lucky? Hope that your last chemo goes smoothly and that you start to feel better soon. X

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Thank you for putting your experiences on here. I have just had my final EC and move onto docetaxel on 14 October, and like bluesatsuma was anxious to know about how it went.

All 5he best xx


It doesn’t seem to be everyone who gets the neuropathy. I used compression socks and gloves whilst receiving the infusion. I took the gloves off when I left the hospital and kept the socks on overnight and didn’t get any neuropathy. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t used either but I figured there was very little downside in giving it a go.


Thank you. I have got compression stockings from surgeries…do you think they’d help?

If they’re like the ones I have, they’ll be too light. You’re aiming to find ones with a compression rating of 20-30mmHg. Compression Therapy Versus Cryotherapy for Chemo Neuropathy | Natural Medicine Journal.

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Also, if anyone is interested in trying compression and doesn’t have the funds: Preloved Reloved has a few donated items that are available free of charge:


Thank you @kartoffel. That will be helpful for lots of people. X

I was on TC so Docetaxel & Cyclophosamide (the C in EC)

Docetaxel gave me mouth sores/oral thrush so I chewed ice during infusion & had meds ready after cycle 1 to mitigate

I used Suzi Pads ref neuropathy but compressions socks / gloves are meant to help too

Never was constipated and had to take Loperamide to stop my poonami (sorry if tmi)

I did have an allergic reaction to it cycle 2 and had have it slowed down to 2 hrs vs 1 with more pre meds for cycle 3 & 4 & a severe rash but that was due to it being done via a cannula but the nurses know what to do

Taste was destroyed lol & I had to have strong foods for first 10 days but again it was fine

All the best ! X

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Oh & I took an antihistamine for bone aches

Start a few a days before chemotherapy & throughout the filgristim injections x


Thank you @idcand49. Some super tips there too. With EC I’ve had pegfilgrastim so i hope they will give me that for docetaxel too as its only one needle per cycle then. But I’ll definitely bear in mind the advice about antihistamines, ice and compression that I’ve learned here. Thank you…hope you are well on the road to recovery now xxx

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Thank you & glad you have the 1 injection vs 5-7 one (most trusts don’t offer it) that felt like the worst part sometimes

All the best x

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I have just had my 1st round of Docetaxel and I’ve found it horrendous compared to EC. I am now day 10 past infusion and my feet are extremely painful with peripheral neuropathy, so much so I’m hardly walking anywhere. The pain and pressure is horrendous, HORRENDOUS! I’m hardly eating and like others said my mouth and taste is crazy. I had mackerel at the weekend that tasted like banana :nauseated_face:. My mouth is sore and my tongue feels like it fills my mouth. My fingers have suffered with tingling and numbness but that has subsided somewhat. I have diarrhoea but only for the past 5 days and usually one episode a day.
I had got rashes and breakouts in my armpits and groin area, which I’ve now been given cream for.

Did you have a full dose this time? I had my second 9 days ago but it was reduced to 164 ml/mg. This was because my first one gave me 12 days of diarrhoea, 5 days of mouth and tongue ulcers, and a nose which bled every time I blew it. It was awful. At the moment my mouth seems ok apart from an awful taste although food does taste alright. My bowels are not right but not as severe as last time and Imodium is keeping things relatively under control. I am definitely more tired this time. This is 5/6 chemo sessions for me and I can’t wait for it to be over. EC was a breeze compared to docetaxel. I would ask for a dose reduction for your next infusion if I were you.

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@nicnac17 I’m sorry that you’ve found docetaxel so awful…me too obviously. I’ve had 2 lots of it now. The second infusion was reduced becsuse of my side effects 1st time. It has definitely helped so do speak to your team about reducing it. X

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Hi @bigpickle. My experience was the same. The dose reduction has helped somewhat but I still had a rough ride on cycle 5. One to go. Almost there! X