
Hi I have recently been diagnosed stage 4 after 18 years clear with liver mets….status changed from original primary so I am now er/pr negative but her2 positive. I have just had my first cycle of Docetaxil, my I have been floored on day 4, just looking for peoples experiences on this chemo, I tolerated chemo well 18 years ago but at this moment in time every muscle aches and it’s floored me….

i started the phesgo injections next cycle (couldn’t get heart scan in time for this round) so no idea what side effects that’s going to kick start. Any advice or experience would be appreciated gutted to be here after so so long clear (or so I thought) xx

Hello and so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I recently finished Docetaxol, which was stopped early due to toxity. I am only stage 3. This chemo is tough, very tough. And I was floored on my first dose. The second and third were better, but the fourth ended up with me in hospital. I’d suggest drinking loads of water, tea, fruit juice, etc, to help flush the chemo, and rest, sleep as much as you can. Speak to you oncologists about the possibility of a reduction in dose, but consider how the risks might outweigh the benefits. Take care and my best wishes, sharlea 

Hi, I’m on Doccetaxel for a second time, first was when I had primary diagnosis. It seems easier this time, but memories can be tricky. I’m on my second dose so far, and yes, it’s tough times. Day four is about right when you start to feel side effects, I also think, that is also when your body is most vulnerable, you feel weak and ready to flop because blood cell count is very low, white and red. As it was mentioned, take a lot of fluids( I know, easy said than done,but try), take some iron supplements, prebiotic strains and plenty of rest. I have 3 to 5 bad days at the moment, then it becomes easier, with second dose it was much better, less pain, quicker recovery. I also trying to eat soft boiled food those days(porridge, pureed soups, stews).

It’s very tough chemotherapy, but it’s one of most effective ones, kills cancer cells in bone and tissues. I really hope your side effects will improve, but of course, do talk to your Oncologists about all side effects you are having. 

Be kind to yourself.

Olga xx