Does this get any easier cant stop shaking

Finish radiotherapy tomorrow to start chemo after finding lung and liver Mets I’m so stressed since I hadn’t even finished treatments for primary.  I just can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel I’m really struggling. Onc is trying me on docetaxel herceptin perjeta anyone had good results in this I can’t get it out my head 24/7 its awful. Julie x x

Hi Julie

Finding out you have secondaries is a very scary time, as we all know on this part of the forum. It takes a while to get your head around this latest development and it must be even more scary to know you have secondaries when you’re probably only just geting used to the fact that you had primary BC. Some ladies on here have had the double whammy diagnosis of primary and secondary at the same time and some have had a short gap in between where the secondary has been discovered just after the primary treatment has finished. I’m not sure of your exact circumstances but I wonder if you were scanned at all with your primary. If you weren’t then it could be that the secondaries were there from the beginning but not diagnosed. I know this doesn’t help much but it may explain why they have been diagnosed so soon after your treatment had ended.

There is a thread on here (in the Living with Secondary BC section) called Pertuzamab and there are several of us secondary ladies who are on this treatment. Quite a few, like me, have completed the chemo part of the regime and are now on the maintenance part of just Herceptin and Pertuzamab. I will bump it up the list for you and you will hopefully find it useful and know that you can go on there and ask any questions you may have about this treatment.

Good luck with it, there has been great results with this combo so I hope it works well for you also.

Nicky x

Thanks Nicky x .