done it!!

done it!!

done it!! Finally went back to work on monday after being off since diagnosis last sept!! Also had my yearly mammogram on that same day.
Phoned breast nurse yesterday as waiting was tough as i still have breast pain and some oedema and had convinced myself IT was still there!!
Thankfully it was ok, just showed scar and scar tissue, much to my relief.
Have suffered depression, frozen shoulder, neuralgia, you name it but now feel there is light at the end of the tunnel,
Guess what im trying to say is today is the first day of the rest of my life.
About to book a trip to paris with my partner who i must say has been great. We were meant to go last year for a romantic weekend when breast cancer reared its ugly head.
All my love to all you out there who are still going through treatment etc, this site has been a godsend and i will continue to read your posts with great interest.

Congratulations… on your return to work. It’s a bit of an ordeal isn’t it but I it’s onwards and upwards from now on.

It must have been a relief also to get your first mammo out of the way.

Enjoy Paris

Love Di

well done Anne, another step forward by going back to work !! i finished my treatment in January and hubby and I have been to Paris twice this year as we loved it so much, so you will have a wonderful time I am sure.