Don't know how to deal with it

my mum has been to the doctors today after months of hiding what she didnt want to believe was a lump. i’m 18 and my mums 53 and all the family are devastated. all i’ve been told is that she has a cancerous growth in her breast and we have to wait til the end of this week or early next week for results/ or to have tests. i cant really remember, i just dont know how i or my family are going to cope with any of this.

Hi Lisalou,
Welcome from me. Sad to hear that your Mum and all of you in the family are joining us on the journey through breast cancer treatment. There are many lovely people on this site who know what’s what, and the breast cancer care helpline people will be along soon I expect to give you details of how to contact them for a good chat if you/your mum need it.

The waiting is the worst bit, most of us find. But these days 8 out of 10 women with breast cancer have a good long life ahead of them. Treatments are very good. Not fun to go through, but worth the effort.

Ann x (diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year but the treatment has made it disappear, and I’m not far off your mum’s age and have an 18 yr old son)

been reading through some of the forums and im already feeling alot better about the situation. the one thing thats worrying me is that when she went to the doctors she didnt need any tests i dont think to be diagnosed, they said they could tell it was a cancerous growth by the look and feel of it does this mean that its really bad? obviously they’ll be doing tests to find out the stage and what type but its worrying that they knew straight away.

Hi lisalou93

I’m sorry to read that you are having a pretty worrying time with regard to your Mum’s recent diagnosis. As well as the support you recieve from the other users of this site you may find it helpful to talk through your questions with a member of our helpline staff.

The staff on the helpline will be able to offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Aww hun, you are in the same position I was in 6 months ago. I’m also a similar age to you and can understand how much pressure you are feeling, it’s like the roles have reversed and you are now the parent. I also found reading other posts on the forum helpful, there is so much care, support and useful info in the comments. I hope your mum is ok x x

Hi LisaLou,

I know how you are feeling hun, my mum got diagnosed a few weeks ago and the waiting time is horrendous, like metoyou said you feel like there has been a role reversal! I am so protective of my family anyway but now im awful with it! I just want to help and do things but i know in all honesty there isnt much you can do apart from being there for them the best you can.

Once mum got her results back and we knew what we were dealing with it has been easier to cope with but its still hard.

Hope your mum gets her results soon hun xx