don't know what to expect and feeling slightly aprehensive

Hi, I’m probably going to sound like I’m over exaggerating here but here goes.
I’m 31 years old and I found a lump a few months back and ignored it assuming it would probably just go away.
So 2 weeks ago in the shower my hand rubbed against the same lump and it appeared to be bigger so I called the doctors, having had a telephone consultation I was asked to go down the following day so she could inspect it.
She inspected and found the same lump, she has now referred me to a breast clinic and I’ve received my appointment through for Monday 22/2, this is what I’m apprehensive about I really don’t know what to expect or what they will do. My letter states I could be there several hours to wait for results of tests and it gives me a list of tests they may perform. At first I didn’t tell anybody and was going to go through it alone as I know at this stage it could be anything, since receiving the letter I’ve told my partner and he is coming to the appointment with me. His mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer found during routine mammogram and I don’t really want to put him through the stress of tests hence the reason for not telling him in the first instance.
As I don’t know what to expect I can really explain it to him to ease his thoughts also. Sorry it’s long winded but if anyone can help with this that would be great
Thanks Dominique

Hi Dominique - sorry you’re having to go through all of this.


I’ll tell you, in my case, what happened at my first appointment at the Breast Clinic - I’m sure yours will be along fairly similar lines.


First of all I met the Breast Surgeon for a consultation.  They’ll go through your concerns and listen to your explanation of why you’ve had to visit them.  Then they’ll do an examination.

After that I had to go for a mammogram.

My next step was an ultrasound - then I had a biopsy, using the ultrasound for guidance.

Then I went back to see the Breast Surgeon.

By this time they had a copy of my mammogram and ultrasound.


They discussed what they had seen during these scans.  I’ve had a couple of friends who have gone through this and at this stage have been told they have a fibrodaema, so a benign lump.


Ultimately though, in most cases, they won’t be able to give you an accurate diagnosis until the pathology is back from the biopsy.  So a further appointment will be scheduled for you in about 1-2 weeks, depending on your hospital.  


There is a lot of waiting around though between scans and consultations, so it’s doubly good to have someone with you.  


I actually left my husband in the main waiting room while I went round the various different stages, I’d see him as I moved around - not sure if this was the best idea or not!  Had him with me for results though, I’d thoroughly recommend that in case you ‘zone out’ - be it good news or not.


Good luck!!  :)


Seren xx

Dominique, I have been referred to the breast clinic on a few occasions previously and my experience was exactly the same as Seren’s. Consultant, mammogram, ultra sound and then back to the consultant. On the different occasions I’ve also had a fine needle biopsy (which was fine) and a cyst drained (also fine) On each of those occasions everything was absolutely fine, nothing suspicious to worry about.
My current situation is completely different and unrelated to my previous visits (different breast) and was picked up through the breast screening programme. Hopefully everything will go well for you like it did for me previously :slight_smile:
Take someone with you, I left my husband in the cafe previously - he comes to every appointment now!!

Hi Dominique. I’m new here too but have had my results courtesy of my fab gp. I go to the hospital Friday for my treatment plan. I had exactly the same as Seren and it would have been a two week wait. However my GP used to do a day at the hospital as a breast surgeon and when I saw him for something else on Tuesday I asked him if he knew and he looked up the results for me. I realise how lucky I am and even though it was not the answer I wanted or expected the knowing is by far better than the not knowing. At Peterborough it used to just be a weeks wait but the breast specialist from the pathology department has left and they’ve not yet replaced her.
My husband went with me everywhere except the mammogram and at the time there was another two couples in the waiting room who we seemed to swap departments with so struck up quite a camaraderie. One of the couples it was the man who had the lump he kept us all entertained. His wife was a survivor of breast cancer herself which had been found on a routine mammogram.
Good luck and keep us informed xx

Hi there I’m same procedure as Seren, but was told at first appointment that it was cancer, they just didn’t have all the finer details until the following week. Take someone for support, I nearly didn’t as my GP said it wouldn’t be cancer, I wasn’t in a fit state to drive home. I hope you get good news, Sarah xx

Hi Dominique,

‘One Stop Clinic’ - private consultation (as through the NHS it was going to be four weeks before anyone could see me) - met with surgeon/consultant for a consultation, followed by mammogram, ultrasound of breast area and lymph nodes and finally, a core biopsy - 3 samples taken. This was followed half an hour later by a brief meeting with surgeon and a BCN - confirmation of breast cancer.

Take care and I hope that all goes okay. X

Hi guys thank you all very much for replying so quickly. I’ve been trying to ignore the whole fiasco in the hope of good results on Monday but as you are all probably aware the dreaded thoughts are never far away. It’s all quite scary really as I’m pretty sure my family carry a faulty gene since we’ve lost so many members to the dreaded disease and so many have survived to tell the tale all from my dads side too mainly aunties uncles grandad etc. Fingers crossed for good news though as I don’t think it’d be great for my partner least of all me since his own mam is already battling bc. It’s good to here from people that’s have been there done that sort to speak. Hearing other people stories makes it so much easier to cope with. I’m very aprehensive of what Monday will bring albeit keeping on a brave face as if it’s not really bothering me. God knows what I’m going to be like at the clinic. I will say my letter does state that tests will be carried out in the clinic and results will be given the same day it’s just the whole waiting that’s bothering me I want it over and done with and regardless of the outcome I’ll be able to deal with it. Thanks again for all your responses I appreciate it xx

Hi Dominique. Hope today went well. Did you get your results? Xx

Hi all, hope today is a good day and that you are feeling more in control now you (should) have some results Dominique xx