Dose anyone know

Hi all I’m trying to put a sponsor walk page up for a dear friend who died but I’m not allowed to ask for sponsors for a very gd cause have the rules changed as I was allowed to put one on last yr but I’ve tried twice and am told its not allowed 3rd time lucky lol it was for kaz36 maybe I see how far I go thanks in advance Laura

Hi Laura,
I managed to spot your post before it was removed.

I think it’s OK if you just announce the basics but not to put the link in… people could PM you and you could send the link that way.

It isn’t just BCC being awkward, there are some odd legal things about one charity seeming to raise funds via another.

Hi rev cat yea i saw lol thanks for your donation i thought my second post wld be ok as I took the link out but they still won’t allow it something about plp come on here for advice surport I’m not allowed to ask for donations even though it might in the end help all us ladies i was allowed to put it last yr just wondered what had changed thanks anyway Laura