Double mastectomy for DCIS

Hi, my partner was diagnosed with DCIS last week, its apparently a 3cm area to right breast classed as high grade, its all happened very fast, we only went for first mammogram 2 weeks ago as she’s classed as high risk due to family history, we were called back for more tests…anyway seeing surgeon on Tuesday to sign consent forms and get the date for surgery, suppose to be towards end of march, we decided to have double mastectomy with no reconstruction…we are both very keen traveling cyclists and were due to go back cycling 3000 miles around Southeast Asia again on the 1st of march for a few months, also getting married on route in Cambodia, we got engaged there last year, so the bikes are ready and everything packed…wow we never expected this! just so glad we had the tests done as we considered leaving it till next year when we returned…it’s going to be a different type of journey for us both…I always thought we were strong and nothing fased us, we spend endless months cycling in remote places around the world with nothing more than the clothes on our back and living in a tent, it’s never worried us whatsoever, it’s what we do…BUT…this journey we are now faced with frightens me to death!! I have never felt this way.
hoping for a speedy recovery and for this nightmare to end x

Hello Chris

My heart goes out to you both - all I can say is try to stay positive and don’t let this dictate the rest of your lives together. It has been diagnosed and is being dealt with by experts. You are obvously both fit and active, so I feel certain that your partner will make a good recovery with your support - your planned journey may be delayed but NOT abandoned. I wish you the very best of luck for your future together. PoppyJ

Hi Chris 

So sorry that you have ended up on this site …and give my regards to your partner . Please let her know this is a very supportive place and how wonderful  it is that you have come in support of her . So many partners misinterpret this a gloomy negative place and in fact … very far from it . It is very comforting place where you get  lots of support and information … also rant if necessary no one judges ,  everyones journey is individual to them .

I cannot advise on double mastectomy ( mx ) without recon . Im currently recovering from mx and diep reconstruction . 

What I can say is the shock and waiting in the beginning gets to us all , even now Im still wandering about in a surreal  state as I had no symptoms at all prior to my mammogram . What I can say is I made my decision based on my DCIS being widespread and could not see how it could be removed without leaving me disfigured . I am happy with my decision but in relation to your partner she will be faced with going to sleep with boobies and waking up with non …that I would imagine will be a difficult aspect and maybe you or she could talk to someone who has already gone through this .There will be loads of ladies on this site and you just start another thread wth a different title .

In terms of recovery physically as you both are evidently fit and active my guess is ( without complications ) she could be up and running again approx 8 weeks . Im reading between the lines here but I wonder if your current plans have had an influence on her decision not to go for recon as it will increase healing times …and obviously will put you both back on schedule quicker . My advice is simply encourage her to think about her options … and speak to as  many people as possible preferably ladies who have undergone the same . It really does help and can identify things , scenarios , feelings that she may not have even considered as yet . There is so much haze in the early part of diagnosis and ( my opinion only dont shoot me ha ) is the disappointment of your planned  cycling journey may hinder her thoughts on the long term effects of her decision . However there are lots of ladies who choose not to have reconstruction  and that is absolutely fine … there is a group called flat friends .Big hugs to you both . Take care xxx

Ps Chris …meant to also say she may have to have radiotherapy at later date depending on results of final histology so my 8 weeks meant in relation to wound  healing time …sorry  hope that makes sense . 

And you are very welcome to rant too … no one will mind . The unknown is always scary but the treatment for breast cancer is so advanced nowadays … and remember deciding to go for the mammogram appointment was for a reason … that reason could be to give you many more cycling adventures . x

Hello, just diagnosed yesterday dcis. Stage 2. Opting for MX. Going to have other breast removed at later date so I’m all flat!