Double Mastectomy options

My partner has been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, thankfully caught very early at stage 1 (19mm) but highly aggressive at grade 3, she is also likely to have the BRCA gene (awaiting test results) owing to family history.
If positive, can she request/insist for a double mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy or would this be at the discretion of the oncology team?

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I would think she will be able to decide what operation she has, her surgeon might give her a range of options for her to decide or her team could decide for her :heart:each person’s treatment plan even if same type is tailored specifically to the individual. If her brca results come back positive she might also be offered hysterectomy too :heart: ask away on here and do ask the nurse option too :heart: I was tnbc and had therapeutic nammoplasty. She needs to consider being levelled up immediately too if it’s an option. I delayed bring levelled up and they botched it, so if it’s option she might need to consider having both done at same time and not delay ( I wish I’d had both done at same time with hindsight) hope this helps :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx