Drains after surgery

Hi again!
Just asking for advice and the wealth of experience I’ve found here. Not going into my history again, but had mx almost 2 weeks ago, and physically all good - apart from my stiff and numb upper arm, but doing all exercises!!

The problem - for want of a better word is my drain. I left hospital with one, but it just doesnt seem to stop draining. Plastics won’t take it out until it drains 50ml in 24 hours over two days and already (since 9pm last night) we’re at 70… Docs don’t seem overly concerned, but I just really want rid of the drain!

Has anyone else had a similar experience??

Thanks xx

Oh, it drains a lot more if I walk around or use my arms… Is that what anybody found too??

I had the same problem and I must say that having the drain was the worst part of it all.

All I can say is you just have to put up with it, after 10 days of having mine I insisted they take it out which they did, but then I had to go to the hospital twice a week to have my armpit drained by syringe, which wasn’t nice.

Hope you get it sorted soon x

Hi Gail!
Thanks for the reply. It’s good to know I’m not alone with the drain problem!! It’s just I feel very self conscious when I’m out with it and although I will keep going with it, it was just worrying me that there just doesn’t seem to be a decrease in the levels!

Thanks again xx


Hi, i had the same with both my mastectomies. I did not like the drains. But rest assured, it will get less soon. After mine were taken out, I had to go back a number of times too, for manual draining, with a syringe. But then it did stop, and it was such a relief. So don’t worry, what you describe is quite normal
best wishes

Hi Neadl, Im two weeks post surgery today and still have my drain in. I saw the SHO today and he said he would take it out. I advised him that my consultant advised that it had to drain to 40 mils over a 24 hour period to be able to remove. the bc nurse confirmed this and i said i would see the discharge nurses tomorrow morning. I am really kean to have my drain out - however having spoken to other bc sufferers - this should only happen - based on the criteria of the consultant.

I hope this helps.

Great to see I’m not alone!!!
The drain really is a pain!!

Do you have a ‘shoulderbag’ for your drains? In my hospital I was given a small bag suitable for the drains, which I could carry over my shoulder - it was handmade by volunteers. Very handy.

Hi Neadl

I had my drains in for 5 days and they said they would take them out as the longer they are in the longer they drain? not sure of how accurate that information is, I had my mx on 2oth Nov, still in a lot of pain and uncomfortable sleeping but getting better, I had reconstruction done at the same time and had an expander fitted; which i am sure is adding to the pain and discomfort… I hope it eases and they come out soon, apart from that; how are you feeling?

I had 2 WLE and no clear margins and an invasive tumour so went for mx, not an easy choice but the safest one I had…

take care

Hi mfdoll!

I had my path report today, and they got all they were looking for!! Yay!!!

But after 2 weeks, the drain still stays in… They won’t let it out until it drains 30-50 ml a day over 2 days… Yesterday mine drained 250!!!

I really want to get rid now as am so sick of it.

As time goes on my chest shoulder and arm get so sore… I’ve been told by docs that it’s a good sign as numbness us wearing off and will take time to heal. But that coupled with the drain is making it so hard to sleep- hence the message at 2 am!!!

Does it / will it EVER stop draining???

I know the drains are a pain but better to have the wound drained that way than as Gail65 did by going back once or twice a week to have it drained by syringe.

I actually had the opposite problem in that my drain was neglected for nearly 24 hours (the vacuum had popped and I did not know to get the bottle changed) which meant it dried up and that side of my wound took twice as long to heal as the other side.

Please be patient and think to yourself that if they take the drain out too soon you will slow down the healing process :slight_smile:

Best wishes
