Driving after operation

Hi everyone,Was diagnosed with BC on 10th October, I am due to have my WLE and some lymph nodes removed on 12th Nov. How soon after the op will I be able to drive again? and what is the average wait for radiotherapy?

Hi lindalo I was actually driving 3days later,Though they did say I should leave it a week but due to family circumstances it was a case of having to,though i can also say I didn’t find it a problem,I also think it has somthing to do with insurance,about how long you should wait .As for radiotherapy I started mine 5weeks after the WLE at Manchester Christie hospital,they do however like your scar to heal quite well before starting the rads.usually about 6weeks I believe.

Hi Lindalo
I had WLE and some nodes removed, and a breast reduction, so bigger operation, but was told to wait at least 2 weeks before driving. Was advised that I should determine whether I could cope and whether I would be safe if I had to make an emergency stop. I asked about informing the insurance company, as I thought I had to, but was told not to worry. I had op on 8th october and start radio on the 12th Dec.
good luck
Deb x

Hi Lindalo,
I had my WLE and some lymph glands taken Jan 07 and was told by consultant not to drive for 2 weeks. Physically I felt fine and would have been able to well before this but he said that with op and a general anaesthetic if I had an accident then my insurance may not cover me under 2 weeks - it was a real pain not driving at the time. Have always been independent and had to rely on hubby and friends to sort out my girls and shopping etc. I waited about 6 weeks for radiotherapy (no chemo).
Hope everything goes ok for you. Let us know how you get along.
Shorty x

I had WLE and SNB on Oct 10th, I was told to leave it for 2 weeks. I was very good and waited but was so glad to get behind the wheel again! Unfortunately I have to have the rest of the nodes removed on 19th Nov so have to go through it all again, hey ho!

Helen x

Thanks for your replies, guess I will just have to be patient. Good luck to you all as well!x

I had WLE and stayed overnight in hospital, out on the Friday and I drove on the following Monday. I had full movement of my arm despite SNB and was told to wait 48 hours after general anaesthetic and then was okay to drive.

I was driving 3 days after my op - WLE and node biopsy.

Had WLE and aux clearance and was driveing day after I got out of hosp.Like Redders I had full movement of my arm and was feeling perfectly fine…and it was a case of having to.

I planned to drive for the first time today, 2 weeks after op, but car wouldnt start!