Hi lovely friends
Yesterday I had my pre op and physio assesment. I was told to avoid driving for at least two weeks which I was expecting but also was told that I should inform my car insurance provider about having bc surgery. Anyone konw something about it?
I certainly didnt inform them, I didnt drive for the 2 weeks as instructed and then the first time I did I just went round the block as I was a bit nervous, understandably but was fine.
I can not see why you would need to inform them and actually thinking about it that would mean every time we had surgery for anything we would have to let them know. I dont remember there being anything in the pamphlets about it other than dont drive for 24 hours because of the anaesthetic, 2 weeks because of the surgery and I wasnt told at pre op as I would remembered that. Perhaps one of the other ladies might be able to shed some light on what we shoud do?
When is your op date?
Helena xxx
I didn’t tell them either .Im sure there has been a discussion about this on another thread and no-one seemed to have insurers .As long as you follow the surgeons advice I don’t see why you would need to ??If you are worried it’s only a phone call I guess?
I asked nurse on surgery ward she said no driving for : 3 weeks then I got my results appointment on 23rd which will be 2 weeks from surgery so she said just check with consultant that ok to drive and said I didn’t need to tell insurance x
Thank you for all answers. Hope to be back behind the wheel as soon as its safe. Im a brillian driver, perfect mother, the best wife and number one employee. Im fantastic cancer patient. Roll on Wed, cant wait to have you out you nasty Mr Lump.
PS. I keep saying that to myself but Im dead scared.
Naza scared is the new ‘normal’ Hun after surgery I felt like my ‘body invader’ had been dealt with x sure it’s less than a week after surgery and yes I was a crying she devil yesterday but it is all good and it will be for you too x good luck for Wednesday x