Driving myself mad waiting for CT results!!!

Hi all,

I guess the topic speaks for itself really! I’ve been having terrible pain in my left hip for the past couple of months now. Saw my onc 2 weeks ago who ordered an urgent bone scan and CT scan. A few days after the bone scan I received the news that there was concern over an area on my lumbar spine and my onc wanted an MRI asap. As I’m completely claustrophobic I asked if they would hold off on the MRI until I’d had my CT scan and they’d got those results. My onc agreed.

So, I had my CT on friday and have been jumping everytime the phone rings ever since. Even though I know it takes around a week for the report to be sent to my onc and I’m only 3 days in! I’m scared what nasties the CT may show. Even if its clear I know I’m not out of the woods as they still need to confirm what the problem is with my lumbar spine. I know their biggest concern is its the start of bone mets and obviously thats my fear too.

Its so tough waiting for results. I’ve not even been at work this past couple of weeks as, apart from the pain, I don’t think I’m ‘mentally’ able to work. If you know what I mean?

And so the waiting continues. Best of luck to anyone else out there who finds themselves in a similar position at the mo,

Take care,


I had surgery Nov and Dec. Now im waiting for my chemo, radio, herceptin and tamoxifen to start. I started getting back pain bout 3 weeks after the mastectomy so I spoke to my breast care nurse and a consultant (not mine as he was poorly lol) and they thought it was down to bad posture. 10 days ago I had an MRI scan, then Monday had ECG to check heart status. Saw my own GP this morning as I ended up crying last night with the pain in my back. She reackons its muscular because Im so tense. So catch 22 - cant sleep cos of the pain, so get more tense which causes more pain!! On Movelat cream and cocodamol. Started both earlier and the pain has eased no end. Hope this puts your mind at ease. Im trying to get past the ‘every pain must be related to cancer’ frame of mind.
Hope you get good news, take care x x

Hi Kelly,

Im really sorry you’ve got all this waiting. I can never make my mind up whether scans are a good thing or not but there reaches a point when you just have to have them! Im glad your onc is checking everything out for you properly. Whatever the problem is you need to know. I am still being followed up for a couple of nodes on my lungs which Ive had since primary diagnosis. One radiologist discharged me from further scans in May but when I had another one before reconstruction in November, that radiologist wanted me to have a repeat in 6 months! And people say Im lucky to be followed up = lucky would be not have any nodes at all!

We get used to making the best of things I think and I know you have always come across (although you might not always have felt it) as strong and determined and willing to make the best of everything that has been thrown at you.

I wish you all the best with your scans and will be logging on every day to see how you are.

Take care

Pauline x

Hi ladies,

thank you so much for your kind words and reassuring posts. Its a week today since I had the CT so the results should reach my onc any day now if they haven’t already. I continue to jump everytime the phone goes! Mind you, if I don’t hear anything today then a least I can relax a bit, for a couple of days at least as they won’t be working the weekend!

Take care and thanks again,


Well, I’m off for an MRI tomorrow!! Had a call from the hospital this morning to arrange it. Not sure what the CT showed, if anything, just know they’re being pretty quick about organising my MRI.

Dreading the scan itself more than what it will show, right nw to be honest! Very claustrophobic. I just need to chill out for 30 mins or so and then it’ll be all over. And so the waiting will begin once again…

Take care and best wishes to all waiting for results,


Hi Kelly

Just wishing you well with the MRI scan and all the results. Really hope the experience of the MRI is not as bad as you fear.

love and best wishes


Dear Kelly I do hope you managed to cope with the MRI today.I have been looking for a post.Do contact me soon.How long do you have to wait for the results?Hang in there girl we are all here for you.Love Valxx

Hi Kelly,

Sorry youve had to have the dreaded MRI. I really hope it went okay for you yesterday. I’ve got everything crossed for you - keep us informed as we’re all thinking of you.

Pauline x

Hi ladies,

thank you all so much for your support. I’ve not had the MRI yet, gotta be there at 1.15 today. Very nervous but really need to just chill out and try to relax. I’ve got my cd sorted and an eye mask at the ready!

I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on,

Take care,


Hi Kelly

Wishing you all the best for today. My son’s girlfriend had an MRI last week and got through it by pretending she was in a tanning bed!

Hey Kelly,
It’s only taken me about an hour to find this thread but really hope things went OK today, hope you get some peece of mind soon.

Hi all,

well hurrah, I got through it!!! Thanks to Lilly Allen’s great first album I survived the MRI. Funnily enough I also tried imagining that I was on a sunbed! I’m soooo relieved its over with, although I’m relieved to say it was nowhere near as bad as I had imagined it to be.

And so the waiting begins once again…Apparently it can take anything from a week to ten days for the results to be sent to my onc. Unless I hear anything sooner I have an appt to see him on March 2nd.

The worrying can begin tomorrow, but for now I’m just revelling in the fact that I managed to surpass all my estimations!

Thanks for all your support, I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Take care,


Hi Kelly,

Glad you got through the MRI, it doesnt sound very pleasant… I cant believe it but now it seems I have to have an MRI myself!

I had a bone scan in November which was clear but have been having a kind of pain, sometimes burning in between my shoulder blades. I think its like a stress type pain and told my oncologist this. However, she thinks I should have an MRI to check. I wish Id never mentioned it now!

I think Im lucky in that she is obviously very careful but I cant help wondering why Im having it. Apparently bone scans pick up 90% of things whilst MRIs pick up the other 10%. Other people seem to struggle to be checked out but at my hospital its none stop! Im still being followed up for nodes on my lung which havent changed since I was diagnosed. I cant help wondering why theyre being so careful with me. Do they know something I dont know?

Oh well, I will do what you did and get my ipod sorted out with some good tunes to help me through it. Still got everything crossed for you.

Take care and have a good weekend,

Pauline x

Hi Pauline,

blimey I can’t believe you’ve gotta have an MRI now too! Honestly, it was nowhere near as bad as I had imagined it to be, and I’m properly claustrophobic!! I literally shut my eyes before I had even gone into the tunnel and kept them tightly closed throughout. I concentrated on my music the whole time, which is why I took a CD that I knew really well with me. The machine is sooooo loud but I still managed to hear Lily! I had thought about taking a chillout album so I’m glad I didn’t as I doubt I would’ve heard it!

Have you got a date for your MRI yet? I have been totally paranoid as I got a call on the tues to have te scan the next day. Like you I have often found myself wondering ‘do they know something I don’t?’!

I’m just playing the waiting game now (again!) and no doubt in a few days time I’ll start jumping everytime the phone goes.

Take care and be sure to keep in touch. Good luck if I don’t get a chance to ‘speak’ to you before the MRI,

Have a great weekend,


Hi Kelly,

I dont have a date yet for the MRI but I think I will get through it okay. My friend’s daughter had a brain tumour and she has to have them all the time, she is 9 now and had her first one when she was only 2. So I will just think of her and how brave she is - Im big and ugly enough to cope with this I think! I will definitely put something loud on the Ipod, probably The Killers I think although the group’s name arent very apt!

Of course, now they’re booking an MRI the pain seems to have eased. I’m convinced it’s a stress type pain but it will be good to have a definitive answer. Like she said I can then think about some massage or physio or something for it. It’s terrible though isnt it, every single pain or ache I get just brings me right back to breast cancer - I seem to ache all the time. Are you on Tamoxifen as I believe this can make you achey. Sometimes, even walking up a flight of stairs makes me feel weak and achey! I must get a grip and get fit! I used to run a lot but havent been out for ages. Do you ever get to play golf now?

Oh well, better get back to work. I seem to remember that you were in the army. Are you back yet? I also remember that you had a bad reaction to Herceptin so maybe this has caused you problems in getting back to work.

keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.

Pauline x