Driving & work


Can anyone tell me how long before they started driving and back to work, I understand everyone is different but I don’t have anyone to drive me around.
Need to get my son on the road in readiness for the reconstruction, nothing like forward planning.

Hi Snapper,

Sorry you haven’t had any replies as yet but hopefully someone will see it now.  You might get more replies if you post again in the Going through Treatment forum.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator


A difficult one to answer because of the variables.

I think it depends on what operation you are having and which side it is on. From what I have seen here different hospitals give you different advice on driving. The starting point is that you must follow your hospital advice or your insurance will not be valid.

I had WLE and ANC on the left side, and could not drive for 6 weeks, but I had a manual car at the time. I couldn’t change gear, and the seat belt rubbed over the scar.

As for work, I had radiotherapy and eventually went back on a phased return working from home about three weeks after rads finished. I was still very tired at that point.

Many thanks for your reply but I don’t think that I’m being realistic with all of this, I seem to think after 4 or 6 weeks I will be returning to work.

If I have to have chemopherapy then perhaps go back to work in between, I haven’t even had my operation yet and trying to run before I can walk.
Cheers for the reply but as you can tell I’m not coping.



I’m glad its not just me wanting things back to normal, I drive about 45 mins from work and have an automatic (M5) I sit at a desk all day and there are about 100 in my office.
My operation for mastectomy is 20th August and I thank you for your response, I think I need to be realistic and think of myself. Who do you book hospital transport through? If you could let me know I’d be grateful.