

Just looking for some advise on when I can drive again?

On 17th December I had a mastectomy and some nodes removed. My arm still feels stiff and slightly painful. If any of you ladies had this done or something similar when did you start driving again?

Someone did say something about your insurance being invalid? Is that right?

Many thanks for your help.

Amanda xx

i had wle and snb oon 1st dec and my dr said not to drive for 6 weeks and yes it does make your insurance invalid if you have not informed them and taken their advice.

ooh, i’m glad i read this - i didn’t realise that!

i was off out this week as i’m suffering from ‘cabin fever’ and hate relying on people to ferry me about. no-one told me about restrictions!

had my op last thursday.

gill x

I was told not to drive for a week to 10 days after my WLE & SNB, Sue. That is quite a difference! Insurers usually seem to tell you to follow the advice you are given by your hospital.

Gill & Amanda, it is probably worth speaking to your bcn to get their advice and then let your insurers know.

Eliza xx

I had WLE + ANC on 2nd December then mastectomy & implant on 23rd Dec. Told not to drive for 2 weeks or until I felt confident each time. During chemo I was told not to drive on the day of chemo and the one afterwards. Yet my son - also having chemo in another part of the country, was allowed to drive himself to chemo appts. I contacted my insurance company at the time and they said to just follow the hospital’s advice. As with treatments - lots of variation up and down the land.

Yes I to had mastectomy in early october and node removal, I was told by the breat nurse not to drive for 6 weeks.

my insurers wouldnt let me drive until i had sent them a letter from my surgeon stating that i was fit to drive…and this was only after WLE. So ultimately had to wait 6 wks before being fit to drive!!

My insurers said it depends on what medical advice I was given. My consultant told me I could drive as soon as I felt able! I had bilateral mastectomies and was driving 3-4 weeks after surgery.


I was told as soon as I was able to do a swerving motion to avoid something. Think I waited a few weeks after first lumpectomy, about a week after margins and ANC then again about 2-3 weeks after mastectomy and implant.

Haven’t been told anything about not driving after chemo, husband drove me to the first 2 but I have to go myself to my third one. To be fair I could actually walk back if I feel wobbly driving, then again, maybe if I feel too wobbly to drive a 30min walk wouldn’t be advisable so a taxi it would be, lucky I get to park for free for my chemo sessions so can leave my car there.

Em x