dry mouth no saliva

i  don;t  know  if  it  is  the  hormone therapy  that  is  causing my dry mouth  i  don’t seem to  have any savila it  is  realing stressing  me    out  has  anyone  else   have  this problem  

Hi Yes I have the same problem too.  I have been on Letrozole for three years and the dry mouth started almost immediately and has never gone away.  I find making an effort to drink plenty of water during the day really helps and there is also an over the counter remedy, Glandosane, you can get at the chemists.  It is synthetic saliva and is useful to take before going to bed.  My dentist recommended this to me as having a dry mouth all the time apparently can be bad for your teeth.  What a lot we have to put up with!  

Hi. I have also diagnosed by ENT after what GP thought was 7 weeks of oral thrush. He told me to use biotene toothpaste and mouthwash and the Gladosane. But t he also said to eat as much fresh pineapple as I can manage and I have found this the best option. Especially after eating as that really drives my mouth. Good luck x

After suffering for ages with this and yes it can help cause tooth decay, the thing thats helped most are Xylimelts from Amazon.You cant get them from chemists.You disolve it slowly against the gum.