Duct excision and healing?


I wonder if anyone can give me any advice?

I had all of the ducts removed from my right breast (benign intraductal papiloma) 4 weeks ago tomorrow. For the first couple of weeks all seemed well and I had very little bleeding and was pleasantly surprised to find I was not in much pain at all. However, when I picked up the pace again a little two weeks ago - I have a two year old - so picking him up, lifting etc - my boob started to bleed quite a lot - and has continued to bleed daily. It is more painful than it has been, but not hugely, does not seem to be infected, the wound is just not knitting together very quickly on the surface. My GPs had been so unsupportive for so long, taking an age (18months) to refer me to the breast clinic (and in last few months I have also been diagnosed with a benign tumour in my stomach muscles which they were also rubbish dealing with) that I am loathe to use them unless I need to. I know this sounds wet, but if anyone can tell me if this is normal it would really help. I went to A&E last weekend and saw a triage nurse who said there were no signs of infection and to go back to my GP if it continued. Which I intend to do tomorrow, but if someone who has ‘been there’ can tell me whether this is normal I will feel better informed when I see my rubbish GP.

Thanks very much

EllenKate speak to the nurses on this site they will explain and help with your options. Also if you have a shared practice see a different doctor. Best wishes Chris

I agree, i’d ring the helpline or u could speak to ur BCN, they should know what’s normal & what’s not. Picking ur son could be causing it as it’s still fairly early days but they would know. Also if u have several drs at ur surgery i would ask to change to a different one. U shouldn’t have to put up with an unsympathetic or unhelpful dr. Let us know how u get on,love Heather x

Thanks both of you…will seek out a sympathetic GP, may ask to see Nurse tomorrow and will contact Nurses as here as you suggest. Thanks again.

Sorry, just to add, the care that I recieved at Salisbury District Hospital, from ALL of the staff, receptionists through to my Surgeon, was amazing. Totally life-affirming experience, such brilliant staff.

Totally different to my experiences in Bristol with my benign stomach lump, it made for a really odd experience with the two happening in tandem.

Just want to reassure anyone reading this months down the line, it was fine, not awful at all, not terribly painful and staff at Salisbury District Hospital Breast Clinic were amazing.
