ducts getting removed

Hello everyone,

Im wondering if anyone can help me.
I have just found out that i have to go in on the 18th feb to have surgery on the 19th to romove all my milk ducts. Can anyone give any advice on this ie what i will be like afterwards, will the scar be bad and being large breasted will there be a difference in size between my poorly boob and my well boob.

Thank you so much for any information as i cant seem to find much looking on the internet.
take care
claire xx

Hi Just to let you know I had milk ducts removed in Feb last year and you would hardly notice any difference. If I was a person that would normally go topless on holiday then I still could have done. They tell you that it might not look perfect but mine almost was and the scar could not be seen as it was done round the nipple. I had my op on the Tues and was back at work on the Mon. Hope this reassures you.
Good luck Sandra

Thank you sandra,

I think the more you search through the internet the more scared you become. The did say to me that it could sink inwards so i was thinking i would be left with this huge hole with being so big boobed. I was also building myself up to ask on the 18th that if there was a big difference in sizes then would they make my other one smaller to match it. They did say i would be off work for 4 weeks… with a bit of luck i will be like you and get back in as soon as pos. They are taking me in the day before to give me my options… what ever they may be!!!
thank you so much for answering me so quickly
claire xx

Hi Claire,

I was a 34 JJ pre-op. My surgeon reduced my ‘good’ side to match up so I am now a 34 D. I also had an uplift.
I lost my nipple, areola and milk ducts on the DCIS side.
It looks ok and no-one would know when I’m clothed that I have had this surgery.

The only strange thing is when my period is due. I have always suffered from PMS and my right breast gets very sore and slightly swollen but I do not experience this on the left (where I had DCIS removed). It is really weired but I’m getting used to it now.

BTW, as mine was high grade, I had 25 sessions of radiotherapy.

All the best for the 18th and if you fancy a boob job, go for it!

Kat x

Hello Kat,

Thank you so much for writing to me. im a 38 F thats why i am worried what it will look like afterwards. Im very scared to ask about a boob job on the other side and dont want to sound pushy if you know what i mean. Did they do your other side at the same time or did you have to go back and have it reduced and did you have to ask for a reduction. The thing is i dont see him till i go in now and hoping its not too late to ask last minute about it… ie the time he has to do things. My head is in a tiz and very confused about it all.
I wouldnt mind having smaller boobs so i would give the thumbs up for a reduction.
thanks again
claire xx

Hi Claire,

I was offered the reduction when first diagnosed and all surgery was done at the same time.
I suggest that you telephone the Breast care nurse at the clinic or your surgeons secretary and ask if it can be done. You will not be seen as being pushy as I am sure that they are asked about it all the time. Its your body and there is no harm in asking.
My surgery took over 5 hours so the time factor would have to be considered on the day if you were to ask then, as their surgical list would have been drawn up. If you do not feel able to speak to the surgeon then go via the Breast care nurse as they are there to support you, you can call them at any time.

I strongly encourage you to ask as it will save you having future surgery.

Kat x

Thank you Kat,

Its my day off tomorrow so i will ring them tomorrow first thing. Like you said it needs to be planned well in advance so if i say something now then i might be in luck… well there has be something good to come out of all this mess eh!

claire xx

Hi Claire,

When I had my surgery, I was last on the list as it was the longest procedure to do that day.

Let me know how you get on.
It never fails to amaze me how different hospitals have differing practices!

Kat x

Hello Kat

I phoned the surgeons secretary this morning and she told me that i had to ask about it when i go for my pre op on tuesday. I have also spoke to my BC nurse and asked her what it will look like afterwards and she said apart from the scar there will be no difference in size. I said to her that they told me at clinic it will sink in and she said she didnt think so… not sure now what to think!! She also said there will be a doctor at the pre op to check me over and sign my consent forms so ask him and if he cant give me an answer then ask him to go and find out. When i had my mircoductomy done end of last year it was a 2nd yr med student who i saw so not sure he will have the answers for me if its him again.
Feel a bit lost in the world of surgery and BC and its the waiting of what it will look like thats making me worried.
claire xx