i am petrified of going to theatre to have my op . I am having immediate reconstruction with implants…can anyone advise how long until can move arms etc brush hair makeup on sort personal care etc?.. trying to plan what i may feel like doing and when ? any advice welcolme…i have bought u shaped pillow drain bags front button nighties etc, but wonder how long until can put normal stuff on etc
thanks in hope of help
Good luck Millie - you will be fine. what type of reconstruction are you having (eg LD flap, DIEP)? And will you have axilliary clearance? as these all affect recovery time. Golden rule is to listen to but not be overly bossed by your body. I.e. You should have confidence that you will recover quickly and well and practise the physio exercises religiously from the day you are given them (should be day 2 or 3). Arm movements will be from day 1 - including (possibly) brushing hair (or shortly thereafter). A positive frame of mind will be your best friend. I wish you all the very best!
Straight to implants…silicone. …not sure really nodes until op…thankuoux