Due to have pre op tomorrow and op booked for 24th nov

Wle and sentinel lymph node biopsy next week …looking forward but still very worried about treatment after…up to now radiotherapy. .but they send the cells off to check for chance of recurrence if high chemo will be necessary.

Hi Pam

I have the same surgery tomorrow and also been told radiotherapy and tamoxifen but am anxious for pathology results from op in case it has spread to lymph nod s. Then chemo will be on cards which I don’t want. Wish I could be more reassuring for you only to say I’m in the same boat with you.

Rebecca xx

Hi ladies, I was in the same boat as both of you earlier this year, so want to reassure you that sometimes things aren’t as bad as we fear. My nodes were checked at the time of my lumpectomy and were clear. My risk of recurrence was also checked, a tissue sample is sent to the US for evaluation and whilst mine came back at the higher end of intermediate (28) chemo wasn’t recommended. I did 15 + 5 booster radiotherapy sessions which was fine (I worked all through it) and I take Tamoxifen which has been ok too. Sending you both positive vibes and hope you both get good results too. Michelle xx

Hi Michelle

Thanks for your words of reassurance. The ultrasound didn’t show up anything and I’m told that’s 75% accurate so fingers crossed. X

Thanks rebecca my ops next week…exactly the same as you removal…slight reconstruction as it under my breast and sentinel lode…keep me updated how you get on x

Thanks michelle…I’m hoping my nodes are clear too…nothing showed up on the ultrasound or needle biopsy…

Hi Pam and Rebecca,


very best of luck this week…was it 24th?  Lots of love, let us know how things go…we are all here for youxxc



Hi Pam (and Rebecca,)


very best of luck this week…was it 24th?  Lots of love, let us know how things go…we are all here for youxxc



Hope your op goes as well as can be expected.  I have an appt with my surgeon and pre op today with surgery booked for Friday. Will know more about what I’m having done after seeing the surgeon.  Not slept as feeling so anxious again .



Hi…yes its Thursday. …I’m very scared

Let us know how you get on…I’ve my op on thursday

Hi Pam and Jane…

good luck, both of you. Yes, I was very scared…I think we all are, probably because we cant control anything! But they are getting very good at these ops now and caring for us afterwards. You will feel better after its done and dusted.


have you made any plans to get spoiled rotten afterwards? Maybe in a week or two? Always a good plan.xx





No plans yet…just need to keep sting until results come back regards radiotherapy or chemo x

I know how that feels, like ‘cant plan…till I know!’ But try and fantasise about what youd love as a real treat…maybe even share it around…when you are sorted you can enjoy it!


love and hugs,

