DX 8/16/16


I was recently diagnosed and learned of this “special” triple negative diagnosis.  Also searched the internet for information, but really had to stop that as it led to an anxiety attack.  My oncologist and surgeon seem positive about my outcome, so I’m going to follow their lead.  Surgery for a mastectomy and lymph node dissection is Friday morning, followed by recovery, followed by 20 weeks of chemo.  I’m ready to kick some cancer ass!

Hi dawnkelly66, 

I am sorry that you are going through this anxious time and I am sure some of our users will be along to offer their support soon. You can also read our page on triple negative breast cancer here. 

Please do call our helpline with any questions you may have, they will be able to talk you through and offer a friendly ear. You can reach them at 0808 800 6000 and the opening hours are below. 

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 
