Dying hair after chemo

Hi all

I would love some advice on when it’s ok to dye your hair after chemo and what is the best type to use?


I finished Chemo in December and hair growth is very white/grey. Visited hair dresser on Friday to discuss options and was recommended Inoa which is apparently imonia free and fine to use. Has anyone tried this ? Someone recommended Daniel Field vegetable dye but hair dresser unsure will work as some hair growth darker and it doesn’t apparently lighten hair. Any suggestions welcome as can’t stop wearing wig with this much grey and don’t like the little hair I have but sure will look better if not grey!


Love Sorbet

I just used a L’oreal re-useable mousse one - it’s got 2 containers taped together with a special mixing nozzle so you only mix what you need. Hair was so short I thought a normal dye would be a waste of money. Although the mousse was more expensive than most off the shelf home dyes I got about 4 or could have been 5 goes out of it so worked out really cheap. And no my hair did not fall out ?

Hi Sorbet,


I used the cold cap and did not lose all hair, most of it though but it has started to grow back very quickly. I had my last treatment on 09 Dec 2014. I think it only begun to grow more at the end of Jan. Now it is about an inch in the back and a bit more in the front as those hairs remained during the chemo, very weird. So, I had to travel 06 March and took a risk and dyed my hair. I chose a brand that is supposed to be more gentle, “Naturigin”. Chose natural blonde but it turned out reddish :O). Smiley, because I kind of liked it a lot. Never been red before. Anyway, the colour has faded very quickly and will have another go tomorrow at the hairdresser this time, would like to get it blonde, because that is more me. So the lenght is like what Kylie Minogue has in some pics, if you google Kylie chemo hair, where she has blonde ends, thats my aim for tomorrow. We will see! This is my experience :slight_smile: Good luck with your trial.