EC (Epirubicin and Cyclophosphamide) vs. D/T (Docetaxel/Taxotere)

I’m 2/3 of the way through 3 cycles of EC and then move onto 3 cycles of Docetaxel/Taxotere.

I’ve found EC quite challenging and I was just wondering how people found Docetaxel/Taxotere in comparison to EC. I have to attend a wedding two days after I start it and I’m trying to figure out whether I’ll be capable of it (I realise nothing is guaranteed but I’d love to go because it’s someone very special to me!).

Any experiences of the two would be hugely appreciated!

Sarah x

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Hi Sarah
I did experience quite significant nausea whilst on EC and was dreading docetaxol after reading potential side effects. However I am pleased to say that I had no side effects at all on Docetaxol and i was able to carry on day to day life as normal.

Best wishes


I had similar treatment to you. 3 FEC (can’t remember what the F was, but another part of chemo, then 3 docetaxel
No awful side effects on FEC.

Not sick, but tired and docetaxel affected my mouth (tongue felt like sandpaper), but that all developed by the third round.

Perhaps you might not stay for the whole wedding celebration but as much as you can. I’m sure your friends will be happy to see you there.

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Hi Sarah
I found EC horrific-9 solid days every round where I could hardly move through nausea and fatigue. Really dark thoughts on it.

Docetaxal was much easier for me. A more gentle slide into not feeling great - maybe the extra steroids- then a couple of off days but I could get out of bed and then generally ok. Had a sore mouth and nasty taste (lemonade ice lollies helped) and dry skin on hands etc. but it was nothing like Ec. I don’t think I could have completed 6 rounds if it was all Ec but would have managed ok if it was 6 docetaxal.

Good luck- nearly halfway and then it’s downhill from there.

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Hi all, I know this wasn’t for me but you’ve made me feel so much better as I too was dreading Docetaxal, I’ve just completed 2nd EC and I just feel like I’m constantly suffering with the most horrendous hangover ( don’t know how else to describe it) I’m not a big drinker because I can’t stand feeling sick and rough the next day, the thought that Docetaxal might be a bit gentler had brightened my day today so thank you all , :heart::pray:


Oh @elle16 I’m with you. The first few days felt better on this EC but Day’s 4-6 have just been horrible. Just so unwell. Nothing specific but just groggy, in pain, headachey and nausea. Feels worse, more poisoned than last time. I just know it’s going to be the weekend before I can be a functioning human being. Urgh. Sorry yours is going badly too x

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I’m trying to be positive that I feel better than yesterday, I had my second Friday just gone, so I’m on day 5, but just glad only one more of these to go and feeling less anxious of moving onto Docetaxal now so thank you,
Agree with what you said about feeling poisoned , very good way to describe it and I suppose that’s exactly what it’s is xx

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