echo and fluid drainage

After even more phone calls between me, echo and the onc’s sec, have an appointment wed morning. Wondering if they will do something straight away and should go prepared for day/overnight stay or just go and see onc the next day as planned.
What a palaver!! So tired tonight - finished present shopping and just want to lie down and sleep,
keep you posted

Hope you have had a good sleep.

I think as an old hand at this game, you should go prepared. If they send you home, at least you will have your stuff ready for if and when they do decide to do it. Hope the app goes well.


Well had echo and was told only have a little fluid around heart so have to wait till tomorrow now o find out if he wants it drained off or not. He spent ages doing it and really hurt me.
let you knoew tomorrow.
Am seeing GP later as feel fluey and not sure if got chest infection or not. Feel as if have temperature but thermometer says not but then steroids mask infection anyway.
Thanks for your thhoughts and support

I so hope you aren’t getting infection Kate … just a week to Christmas too. This is just to say I have been thinking about you.
I don’t like to write too often as I don’t feel that I should intrude too much only being a Mum but I do follow your threads.

Love Sue x