ectopic beats

I had left sided breast cancer and lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I have recently had really frightening ‘gripping heart’ and ectopic beats. Can anyone with similar syptoms please let me know the treatment they have had or any advice please
many thanks


I get ectopic beats…had them before BC and still get them but there is nothing wrong with my heart. A few years ago I had a lot of tests to rule any underlying problem out…often it’s linked to stress but you should chat to your GP about them and you can be given tablets to help. I take Propranolol which is a beta blocker.

Sheana x

Dear kookey

I have moved your post to this room from ‘Have I got bc’ as you will receive more replies hopefully. Please feel free to call our helpline for information and support regarding the symptoms you describe on 0808 800 6000, weekdays 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

I have extra heart beats but they reckon it is because i have a very slow heart rate so my heart has to compensate by extra beats. They said it is associated with top athletes, maybe the walking and cycling is doing me some good.


I too have a problem with ectopic heart beats and have to admit that I am totally no-athletic. I do have a very fast heartbeat and the sensation is of missing a beat. I am told that this is not what actually happens but that the beat slows down and then gives an extra one to catch up! I had a lot of tests with the conclusion that there was nothing life threatening going on. As I have been on herceptin for several years now it was thought that an ACE inhibitor might be beneficial.


Hi Kookey

I have been having these strange goings on too!

I had Left cancer/mastectomy chemo but no rads.

I haven’t mentioned it to anyone, but I have been having problems with my heart jumping about and missing beats etc too and even get niggling little pains which I never had before the chemo. I had chemo 3 years ago and they started around that time although I just ignored it and put it down to one of those things! I thought it would settle but it hasn’t.

Sometimes my heart skips beats when I am asleep and it wakes me up and I have found that if I take a deep breath and hold it then it seems to settle it down quicker.

I just thought I was a bit odd until I read your post and realised that there are others out there experiencing the same thing.


Neenie xx

I’ve had it for years and have always put it down to stress.Haven’t tried taking a deep breath though - will do next time! Thanks Neenie.

Josie x

Hi kookie
I also have ectopic beats which I found out for the first time when I had an ECG in hospital. At the time, I was there for a lumpectomy, but have subsequently had a mastectomy and reconstruction. I am also on beta blockers ( a low dose 2.50mg) They don’t seem too concerned, as hundreds of people have this problem and I had probably had it for years without knowing. They really seem to want to monitor the condition of the heart 6 monthly with echocardiograms(scans), to check that the ectopics aren’t causing any wear on the heart. Hopefully the beta blockers will be helping to regulate the beats so the condition of the heart is unaffected.
I’m not really concerned, as I don’t even feel the ectopic beats and would never have known about them if I hadn’t been told! Someone suggested that acupuncture could help, but I haven’t tried it yet.
I wouldn’t worry unduly if I were you.
Best wishes