I hope this is okay to post
live just had my appointments through for radiotherapy in a few weeks and wondered if any ladies who were treated in Edinburgh had any tips on parking ? I’m not from Lothian and will need to drive myself so any tips /advice /experience would be welcome . I think the travel worry has trumped any worry over the actual Radiotherapy
thanks for reading x
Hi 11tolo
I’m at the Western regularly! Parking is a bit of a mess outside the cancer wards due to building work, but there are attendants to wave you in the right direction. There are two entrances, so make sure you get the right one - not sure where radiotherapy is given, but basically one entrance takes you to the main hospital and the big multistory carpark (I’ve never used it, tbh), and the other takes you to the cancer centre, breast clinic, and Maggies. At the moment, you’d drive past all of these and go to the overflow car park just past Maggies - as I say, plenty of attendants who’ll direct you.
Best of luck - I know what you mean about the drive being an extra layer of daunting!