Hi all I am a newbie so please bear with me. I had lumpectomy in April followed by mastectomy in may and axilliary clearance I am her2 pos and at present having chemo. Problem is swelling ankles big time . I am on fec-t I am on my 5th treatment today not looking forward to it!!! Can anyone advise re swollen ankles. This only started with the 4th treatment
Hi Shirley and welcome to the BCC forums
I have moved your thread to ‘treatments’ where it is likely to be seen by more users with similar concerns.
Please also feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000 to talk through any concerns / queries you have, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays
Here’s a link to further support ideas from BCC which you may find helpful:
Best wishes
Lucy BCC
Hi Shirley
I’m so sorry you are having this problem with Docetaxel. This is a known side effect of the treatment. Here is what it says in the booklet about Tax:
"Fluid retention and weight gain
You may develop a build-up of fluid in the body (oedema), which
may take a few weeks to resolve. This can result in swollen ankles
and legs, and feeling short of breath. The steroid drugs that you
are given to prevent an allergic reaction to docetaxel (see the
‘Allergic reaction’ section on page 9) will help reduce the chance
of fluid building up. You may also put on weight, but you will
usually lose it again once the treatment has finished. However,
this can vary for each person and may take up to several months.
If you feel well enough during your treatment, doing some gentle
exercise may help minimise weight gain."
To download the .pdf file that this booklet is available in from this website. Here is the link:
Good luck with the rest of your treatment.
Poemsgalore xx