effects of rads

Don’t forget if you are having supraclavicular nodes zapped it affects your back as well. I put aloe vera gel there too.

hi ladies,

well I have been well and truly frazzled, under my arm is now raw, I am applying the aloe vera, and the aqueous cream, alternating them I must admit the aqueous cream seems to soothe it better than the aloe vera, I will keep peresvering, the blister under my arm seems to be getting smaller, my chest is now red and still itchy but not as bad although I must admit I still feel pretty miserable,

sorry for being such a moaner, hopefully this will get better soon, if not improved much by Monday I will have to give my GP a call I think,

all the best everyone Liz x

Hi Liz your not moaning thats what we are all here for, you poor thing to have a blister right under your arm, the aloe can be quite drying BUT ive found it brilliant to stop the itching I did like Emmbee did & put it on & let it dry … im now putting it on & sitting infront of my fan in my room SHEER BLISS AHHHHHHHH drying the aloe & cooling my hot boob at the same time :)) any itching (not too bad at mo) stops as soon as its dry then I slap the aqueaous over that

Hi Wendy PLEASE get advice about the E45 I read somewhere on the rads board it contains something (cant remember what) that is to be avoided also be very careful of using oils of any kind as although they may initially be ‘healing’ they will also be helping to FRY you :frowning: dont use anything at all that you haven’t put past your Rads team when you have your planning

Mekala X

Hi Lizz I too was weepy I woke 4.00am this morning & just felt very teary dread to think what Id be like had I had chemo as well, but yes Ive been feeling very strange, hope im not going to get any depression as ive suffered this bad in past years but Ill soon know if I start feeling real low to go to see my GP

Hope you feel better soon prehaps you’ll feel better after your well deserved holiday

love & hugs to you xxx

Hi oal its def the 99.9 % one Rads team like it as near to 100% as possible my rads team were fine about it so too was my onc Yet on Friday I had 2 new nurses & one said to me you sure you checked its ok LOL 1st time id seen this nurse in the whole 3 weeks & as someone posted some rads teams dont like you using anything but the aqueaous cream you’ll need to check with them when you have your planning

hugs Mekala x

ok, i will take it in with me when i go to planning

Thanks mekalar for the advice.
I am dreading the rads having read all about the after effects.
I will look for some good aqueaous cream and will probably use this in the first instance.

oh I did not realise there were different types of aqueous cream. I thought it was a generic name. Is there a better sort than the ones the hospital hand out

Try not to worry too much Wendels the treatment itself is so quick & hopefully you’ll have a very good friendly caring team as I have which make you feel so at ease, your only in the room 5 - 10 mins max
For me the worse part has been the long journey to & from the hospital being rather tired on a few days … ive been lucky so far ive not needed any gel pads or steroid creams My last one tomorrow & being my birthday although Ill miss the staff I got to know it will be the best BD present to be finished :slight_smile:

Mekala x

OAL the hospital maynot hand out the cream some do but many dont now mine didn’t but its not expensive & a big tub will see you well through your treatment, not sure there are different types maybe different makes but all made up of the same thing more or less

i am lucky that the hospital is just a half hour drive, and we get free hospital parking permits which will make things easier. Hamstead is murder to park in.

Mekalar happy birthday for tomorrow and happy finishing day too I finish on Friday YEH !!!
Take care
Lizz xx

Aww thank you so much Lizz for the kind wishes :slight_smile:
Mekala x



I hope you are doing something special to celebrate- birthday and end of Rads wow!

Happy Birthday Mekalar!
Hope you’re having a lovely day.
Best Wishes,
Kate x

Hi all,
I got up this morn and took off my dressing to get showered and my nipple had been weeping and there are a few small blisters !! when putting on gel yesterday it was stinging but I had hoped it wouldn’t come to anything. So after rads today it was another wee visit to the nurse and she has now given me a roll of polymem which resembles a cleaning cloth lol I now have to cut that into squares and tape it over my breast and go back to see her on wednesday hopefully this will make a differnce- only 4 days left !!!
take care


I had a sore itchy nipple following my rads & was prescribed Diprobase cream & used aqueous as a shower cream. Also if feeling hot I kept aqueous in the fridge which seemed to help.

Also read on other threads that Mankuna Honey can help for borken skin; perhaps you could ask about this at your next session? Do watch Hydrocortisone cream as this can thin the skin as it has a low dose steroid in it.

I carried on using creams for approx 4 weeks after rads finished as carried on cooking for 2 weeks; then still a bit sore for another couple.

Now 3 months later and all is well with skin; still a bit tanned.

I do get an occasional swelling in my armpit which started a couple of weeks ago but GP said this was a common side-effect. I was just surprised side-effects can start 3 months later just as I was patting myself on my back that I’d got off quite lightly!

Take care

Hi Lynne
thanx for suggesting honey and hydro cream I’ll ask tomorrow but up till now they have told me to use nothing but aqueous cream to wash and apply but starting to get itchy too so hopefully if this all keeps up they will agree to something else
take care

SimplesL - good tip putting cream into the fridge, brings back memories of the caggabe in the freezer, straight to the breast after childbirth to help with breast pain due to not breast feeding.
Any others did this? hopefully not just me? I did stink of cabbage but it eased the pain. And here I am again with breast problems wonder if cabbage in the fridge works after RADS… I feel my Google finger working! :slight_smile: