Hi all
totally forgot to ask re honey today doh - got up this morn to find water blisters down the side of breast at scar that was being zapped with the first of four boosters today- see nurse tomorrow - what is going to happen next?? Watch this space lol
hope everyone is well
Lizz xx
Hi biff hope that continues to help you & Wendy I remember that I wonder if it does help with rad SE ?
im 3 days post rads & soreness is not too bad at all im not using the aqeaous now after reading about the thinning of skin & now still using the aleo 99.9 & a organic vit E cream which is so moisturising its really lovely … ive found my nipple is very hard & sensitive but no swelling & no shrinkage at this point so thats a bonus just hoping that in time the darkness of the rad zone will completely fade back ? humm its gone so very dark which all marks & such on my skin do tend to do ( dark skinned) but time will tell. also still got the tiredness so just being good to myself & not over doing things as I know this can get worse over next few weeks but all in all not too bad today
Mekala x
had my first meeting with skin care nurse. she had not heard of aquous cream thining the skin but did know that her team at another hospital were now recomending diprobase and holland and barret alo vera. The student radioligist said her course said E45 cream. we had a good long chat and decided that my idea of a cream with urea to get the next level of skin down moist was a good idea, but had no idea if that was ok during rads. so I have ordered E45 itch cream, that is based on urea.
so the next 4 weeks are going to be intensive moisture therapy. I have bio oil arriving soon. I will use the itch cream every night, and and bio oil every morning. All over both breasts, neck and all back(that will be good stretch exercises)I should have skin like a babies bottom by the time i start the rads. Then i will move on to diprobase and aloe vera depending on which seems to help most. Got a 500ml pump bottle of diprobase on amazon £11 delivered just in case the hospital dont hand it out. Bio iol was a half price offer on amazon, and holland and barrat are doing an offer of half price for your second bottle of alo vera. I suppose this is a bit of a big layout, but its only once in a lifetime(I hope). I have never used moisturisers, I wonder if I would be tempted to rub some on my face too.
Hi oal could you put a post up about the E45 cream as a few weeks ago there was a few ladies here saying its a BIG no no during treatment due to something that is in it ?? cant remember what & tried to find the post but cant I remember thinking at the time Heck I want be touching E45 ! hopefully those who know will let you know
re bio oil … I dont know about during rads but ive used this in the past & its really lovely very moisturising & not too greasy its great for evening skin tone I used mine on my face
Hi Ladies,
There is some info on this thread,
Home > Community > Forums > Living with breast cancer > Complementary therapies > Scar cream
I think that you are possibly worrying about the Parabens in most moisturisers. These are used to promote stability in most creams and lotions. If you want to avoid them then totally organic products are the way to go.
Hope this helps,
hi ladies , my first rads today and once i got over my initial weep ( only get upset when i go to the hospital ) all seemed ok , the radioligist at the Q E reccomended E 45 AQUEOUS CREAM , i have bought holland and barret aloe vera and boots aqueous ? i meant to show her so she could check but forgot , i know she was mentioning chemicals in some creams csause reactions but hopefully i am going to be ok with what i have bought and am applying ???
hi mekalar. I did a post about aqueous cream. NICE guidlines say it should not be used for exema because it contains PSP or was it SPS. they did trial on people with normal skin, who left it on for 10 minutes twice a day and after 4 weeks it thinned the skin by 10% it is on the agenda for some radiography meeting this year. I know we dont have excema, but if it thins normal skin I dont want it
european aqueous creams do not have PSP
E45 was talked about because it contains lanolin, wich for some reason is said to be a no no. somebody said it is because it blocks the pores, well parafin must do that. I suspect it might be because some people are sensative to it, but its hyperalogenic lanolin in E45. The itch cream has no lanolin. But I imagine the staff would throw up their hands in horror at the urea.
heres the ingreadients
Urea, lauromacrogols, dimethicone, phenyl dimethicone, liquid paraffin, cetyl palmitate, stearic palmitic acid, octyldodecanol, glycerol, polysorbate, carbomer, tromethamine, benzyl alcohol, purified water