Eligible for critical illness?

Hello, just looking for some advice. Not sure if should make a critical illness claim as I don’t know if I’m eligible. From what I’ve read, exclusions seems to be DCIS but I have invasive ductal carcinoma with surrounding DCIS. What other things do they look for please for the claim to be successful? Many thanks.

Hi Biggswife

if you have invasive ductal then you should be covered. Phone your insurance company and they should send you a claim form. Even though they don’t cover your DCIS, the invasive part should mean you are covered. Depending on your company I don’t think you need anything else other than a cancer diagnosis. Just phone your company and get the process under way as it takes time for them to process it all and contact your gp for confirmation of your diagnosis etc…

Good luck. X

Hi Biggswife
My husband and I had critical illness cover with our life insurance. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I thought I wouldn’t be covered, because years ago my husband had dilated cardiomyopathy and this wasn’t on their list of critical illness. But I recommend that you phone them because it is a cancer and I’m sure you will be covered. They’ll send out a form. Good luck with your treatment.